


Press contact: +45 33 95 08 00 (phone calls only) - e-mail:

We answer your call in the following time slot:

Monday - Thursday 9.00-16.00
Friday 9.00-15.30

Head of Press Ture Falbe-Hansen,
Press Advisor Tino Rueskov Pedersen, 

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E.g., 17.7.2024
E.g., 17.7.2024
The site investigations will be initiated by Energinet in early Q1 2023 and will cover geophysical and geotechnical studies of the areas potentially designated for offshore wind farms and their pos
16. December 2022
14 spots located for offshore wind in the Gulf of Mannar. Source: From the report "Maritime Spacial Planning for Offshore Wind Parks in Tamil Nadu". See link below.
The joint study was presented at a high-level event in Chennai, India on November 23, 2022 as an activity under the Centre of Excellence for Offshore Wind and Renewable Energy, a joint initiative b
Press release
23. November 2022
Visualisation of the North Sea Energy Island. Please note that the scope, appearance and exact features of the island have not yet been determined (©Danish Energy Agency).
A political agreement
Press release
10. October 2022
The signatory parties of the Climate Agreement on green electricity and heat of 25 June 2022 have decide
10. October 2022
On 15 August 2022, the Danish Energy Agency opened the first tender of licenses for storage of CO2 in the Danish subsoil in the North Sea.
Press release
4. October 2022
Initial calculations from the Danish Energy Agency show that the leaks from the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in worst case will emit approximately 778 million standard cubic meters of natural gas.
Press release
29. September 2022
Illustration: Prohibitive Zone marked by yellow.
The Danish Authorities has today been informed about a pressure drop in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Press release
26. September 2022
Billede: Energistyrelsen
An English translation of the tender material is now available on the Danish Energy Agency’s CCS webpage.
9. September 2022
The tendered area in the North Sea on the Danish continental shelf, where it is possible to apply for licenses for investigation of and storage of CO2.
From 15 August 2022 it is possible to apply for licenses for investigation of and storage of CO2 in an area of the North Sea.
Press release
12. August 2022
The briefing will take place Monday 15 August from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Danish Energy Agency, conference room UC1, Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen V.
10. August 2022



Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846