Facts about solar energy
Facts about solar energy in Denmark. Learn more about the technical aspects and the role of solar energy today.
There is great potential for harnessing solar energy in Denmark. At the same time, the costs associated with producing electricity from solar PV (photovoltaics) have dropped significantly in recent years, and solar PV are now one of the most cost-effective and competitive ways of producing electricity. In addition, solar energy is a good complement to wind energy, since the sun often shines when there is no wind. Solar energy, therefore, plays a key role in realizing Denmark's ambition of covering our net electricity consumption with 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Every quarter, the Danish Energy Agency publishes a solar PV inventory describing the status of the expansion of solar PV in Denmark. The latest version can be found below and shows a total expansion of solar PV in Denmark of more than 3.3 GW as of 1 July 2023.. The installations consist of both large installations in the open country as well as smaller installations, mainly on rooftop.
Solar PV Statistics 2nd quarter 2023 (Only available in Danish)
In 2022, 6.1 % of the total Danish electricity consumption came from solar PV, and within the next few years it is expected, according to the Danish Energy Agency's analysis requirements for Energinet 2022, that solar PV will make up approximately 12 % of net electricity consumption, of which the largest expansion is expected to come from larger commercial field installations.