Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm
Find information on current issues related to the tender of Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm
Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) is the second offshore wind farm from the Danish Energy Agreement (June 2018). Due to the Climate Agreement on green electricity and heat of 25 June 2022, Hesselø OWF moves to a more southern location.
Hesselø OWF will be erected in the Kattegat, north of Zealand, and it will provide 800-1,200 MW. 1,200 MW can be supplied to the electricity grid via the connection point in Hovegård, about 50 km from the coast. The wind farm will be completed at the end of 2030.
In case of any questions regarding the tender or topics related to this, please contact us directly via EU-supply or owfprocurement@ens.dk
Please find the coordinates for the new location of Hesselø OWF under Preliminary Investigations
For a general update on the project, please refer for the “News about Hesselø OWF” section below.
Preliminary investigations for North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and Hesselø offshore wind farms
News about Hesselø OWF
Stay updated on the latest news
Environmental assessments regarding the original Hesselø site – to be updated
Read about environmental assessments for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm
Other background reports regarding the original Hesselø site – to be updated
Relevant background reports, which are not covered under the above themes.