Electricity consumption fell by 1.3% in 2012

11. February 2013

In 2012 electricity production from wind power corresponded to 30.0% of domestic electricity supply 11 February 2013

In 2012, Danish domestic electricity supply fell by 1.3% compared with 2011. This decrease was the same for east and west Denmark. Electricity production from wind power increased by 5.1% in 2012. Electricity production from wind power thus corresponded to 30.0% of domestic electricity supply, as compared to 28.2 in 2011.

Electricity production from large-scale and small-scale CHP plants fell by 20.8% and 24.6% respectively, compared with 2011. Electricity production from autoproducers fell by 8.8%. The large drop is related to the fact that in 2012 Denmark had high net imports of electricity and also the increase in electricity production from wind power in 2012. Danish net imports of electricity have not been this high since 1990. This large increase in net imports of electricity is due to the fact that Nordic  hydro reservoir were significantly above normal during the period, leading to low electricity prices.

Ignoring grid losses, Danish domestic electricity supply corresponds to electricity consumption.

More detailed information

The Danish Energy Agency publishes monthly information about electricity supply. The source of these statistics is Energinet,dk, which provides information about electricity supply in eastern and western Denmark.

The monthly electricity supply statistics contain the following information:

  • Electricity production by place of production
  • Imports and exports of electricity by country
  •  Domestic electricity supply (electricity consumption and net losses)

The associated spreadsheet contains information for the period January to December 2011, for western and eastern Denmark and for the country as a whole.

Ali A. Zarnaghi
Center for Klima og Energiøkonomi
Tlf.: 33 92 68 40


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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