Ukraine: The Danish Energy Agency holds meetings in Kiev on the tasks of the Ukrainian-Danish Energy Centre

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has recently entered into an energy agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on delivery of technical assistance to the Ukrainian-Danish Energy Centre (UDEC) during 2015-2018. The main objective of the Danish-Ukrainian energy cooperation, which currently is in the inception phase, is to contribute to the energy policy reforms in Ukraine

From May 17th to 19th, a delegation from DEA paid Ukraine a visit and met with key Ukrainian cooperation partners from the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry and State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings. The programme also included a meeting with the Danish Embassy in Kiev and a visit to the Ukrainian Danish Energy Centre (UDEC).

The outcome of the visit was relevant and concrete contributions to DEA’s inputs to the UDEC inception report including involvement in the potential DEA Technical Assistance activities for the coming UDEC 2015 – 2018 work programme.

This was in particular in terms of tasks related to methodology of long-term forecast modelling for national energy balance, methodology and software for energy scenarios analysis, monitoring system of energy efficiency at industrial sub-sector level, methodology and tools for analysis of integrating renewable energy in regional grids and analysis for options for increased use of biomass and biogas in the heat sector. Ultimately, the meetings provided input to the general understanding of the energy sector in Ukraine.

Hence the outcome of this visit provides input to the foundation for the coming years’ activities by UDEC.The first steering committee meeting under UDEC is tentative expected to be held during the summer in Kiev and will be chaired by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine.

The energy cooperation between Ukraine and Denmark is financed through an agreement signed in December 2014 between the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine (MoECI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark under the neighbourhood programme.

About the bilateral cooperation with Ukraine (dk), About UDEC

Kamilla Kristensen Rai
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 75 56

Ulla Vestergaard Rasmussen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 75 71

Anders Hasselager
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 41 72 91 52

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