China: Website launch - Boosting Renewable Energy as part of China’s energy system revolution

25. August 2015

As partner in the program, the Danish Energy Agency would like to welcome everyone to the CIFF's brand new website: ‘Boosting RE as part of China’s energy revolution’

The project ‘Boosting Renewable Energy as part of China’s energy revolution’ at Beijing-based China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC), aims to maximize renewable energy as a vital part of the future Chinese energy system, enabling China to implement international best-practice solutions for the transformation of the energy system.

The program will give support to the China National Energy Administration (NEA) regarding the decisions on the future targets for renewable energy and for coal reduction. It will address the most critical obstacles for the future development of renewable energy and develop a comprehensive look at the whole energy system – from demand to production in order to find the optimal ways to develop a sustainable energy system that can be a model for the world.

In cooperation with international front-runners CIFFNREL and DEA, CNREC will bring international experiences and success stories to the Chinese as well as an international audience with the aim of finding the best solutions for a Chinese energy transformation.

At you will find the latest news, research results, reports and blog posts of the activities in the five-year program which is funded by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and the Danish government. For instance, read program director Wang Zhongying's reflections on the program in his newest blogpost.

Make sure to follow CNREC on Linkedin to receive updates about China National Renewable Energy Centre and the CIFF program

CNREC and the Sino-Danish cooperation, Information materials on China

Sino-Danish Cooperation

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Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
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