Ukraine: The Danish Energy Agency hosts successful workshop on the energy sector in Ukraine

17. August 2015

A workshop for Ukrainian and Danish participants, with focus on data in relation to the energy balance in Ukraine was hosted by the Danish Energy Agency on August 17, 2015. The visit is part of the inception phase of the Ukrainian-Danish energy cooperation, which supports Ukraine in strengthening energy planning and policy.

As a part of the Ukrainian-Danish energy cooperation, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) held a workshop on data related to the energy balance in Ukraine. The Ukrainian-Danish Energy Centre (UDEC), Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, State Statistical Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate of Denmark and DEA participated in the workshop. UDEC is established in the Ministry of Energy and Coal industry in Kiev. Danish knowledge and support on cost-efficient long-term energy planning for an efficient energy system in Ukraine will be key elements in UDECs work over the next three years.

The major focus on the workshop in Copenhagen was to discuss the collection, processing and validation of data in relation to the energy balances for Ukraine and Denmark.

The workshop marked the beginning of in depth national work on energy balances statistics within the framework of the Ukrainian-Danish energy project/cooperation. During the workshop the delegates discussed and exchanged the knowledge on energy data, and this contributed to the identification of specific activities for the work program of UDEC.

The energy cooperation between Ukraine and Denmark aims to ensure improved data for energy supply and consumption. This will enable Ukraine to create a long-term framework for energy planning and policy. The cooperation covers technical support to the Ukrainian administration within the six main topics:

1. Methodology of long term forecast modelling for national energy balance.
2. Methodology for greenhouse gas registry and UNFCCC reporting.
3. Monitoring system in the sphere of energy efficiency at industrial sub-sector level.
4. Methodology and tools for analysis of integrating renewable energy in regional grids.
5. Methodology and software for energy scenario analysis.
6. Analysis of options for increased use of biomass and biogas in the heat sector.

Today’s workshop addressed primarily the first topic, and partly also No. 2 and 3.
If you want to know more about today´s session, please contact Kamilla Kristensen Rai, mail:

Read more about the Ukrainian –Danish energy cooperation here.

About the Ukrainian-Danish cooperation

Kamilla Kristensen Rai
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 75 56


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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