Mexico: Mexican Authorities in Cooperation with the Danish Energy Agency on Energy Management

27. May 2015

As part of the Danish-Mexican climate- and energy programme the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) joins forces with the Mexican National Commission for Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) on energy savings in large business enterprises through energy management systems

Between May 18th and 22nd DEA participated in the preliminary workshops hosted by two key players in the Mexican food industry: Grupo Herdez and BIMBO group. Along with Danish consultancy bureau Viegand Maagøe, representatives from DEA joined a guided tour at a production plant and attended a workshop on the possibilities for energy saving in the production through persistent contributions to and focus on the energy sector.  Grupo Herdez and BIMBO are already aware of the need for increased attention on the energy work with energy consumption, but it was still possible to identify large opportunities.

The preliminary workshops will be followed by an agreement on an actual programme where Danish experts will help implement strategic energy management at specific plants. DEA cooperates with CONUEE towards implementing regulation of large companies inspired by Danish experiences in regards to e.g. voluntary agreements with production companies and industries. The experiences gained in the companies will serve as demonstration of business cases and inspiration, and will also be the foundation for an information campaign from CONUEE.
Read more about CONUEE at their website

About the bilateral cooperation with Mexico

Nethe Veje Laursen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 25 72 82 90


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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