Vietnam: Workshop on Policy and Financing of Energy Efficiency in Vietnam

20. April 2015

Danish efficiency measures were presented by DEA experts during a workshop on Policy and Financing of Energy Efficiency in Vietnam on 10 April

The workshop, attended by approximately 70 participants from miniseries, provinces, private companies and other donors, gave a thorough introduction to Danish-Vietnamese programme, policy details, key partners and other donors present in same arena in Vietnam.

During the workshop relevant Danish energy efficiency measures were presented by DEA special advisor Nethe Veje Laursen and their applicability to the Vietnamese context was discussed. The participants further engaged in dialogue regarding legal setup at provincial level and gained useful information incentive schemes to be initiated by the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT).

This will serve as input for the coming catalogue of relevant energy efficiency measures to the provinces matching their need. An initial survey will provide answers on which instruments appeal to the different provinces. The catalogue will be drafted in close collaboration with DEA and is expected by June.

Find Nethe Veje Laursen’s presentation on International experience of Energy Efficiency promotion here

Presentation on International experience of Energy Efficiency promotion

Nethe Veje Laursen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 25 72 82 90


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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