
Areas of cooperation

  • Long term energy planning
  • Integration of renewable energy into the electricity grid
  • Energy efficiency
  • Cooperation with local provinces about renewable energy mapping and analysis of socio economic effects
  • Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)

Indonesia’s energy transition - and how Danish experiences can contribute 

Indonesia is experiencing economic growth, creating a new and higher demand for energy. Fulfilling the energy demand in a sustainable manner requires tapping into the renewable energy potential of Indonesia. Indonesia is home to plentiful renewable energy sources. As such, there is not a technical limitation to meet the power demand towards 2025 and onwards based on an increasing share of renewable energy. The Danish expertise lies in providing input on efficient transition measures based on best-practice examples from Denmark’s energy transition. 

Cooperation between Danish and Indonesian authorities

The current phase of the programme runs until 2025. It is supported by the Danish Embassy in Jakarta helping the day to day work and dialogue with Indonesian partner institutions.  Working with our partners across the Indonesian government allows for both horizontal and vertical dialogue and cooperation. Indonesian partners of the programme include the Ministry of Energy, Minerals and Resources; National Energy Council (NEC); The State Electricity Company (PLN) and Regional energy planning offices (Dinas ESDM).

Category Publications
Technology Catalogues

Technology Catalogue 2024

      Data Sheets for all Technologies

      LCOE(S) Calculator

      LCOE(S) Calculator User Guide

Regional technology catalogue for solid waste management and waste to energy 2021 

Technology Catalogue 2020

      Data sheet for all technologies

      LCoE calculator

Technology Catalogue 2017

Energy Outlooks & Roadmaps

Indonesia Energy Outlok 2019

NTB Energy Masterplan – Propelling West Nusa Tenggara to Lead Indonesia’s Energy Transition

Roadmap for energy efficient, low-carbon buildings and contruction sector in Indonesia

Regional Outlook Report – North Sulawesi and Gorontalo

Regional Outlook Report – Riau

Regional Outlook Report – South Kalimantan

Lombok Energy Outlook 2019

Renewable energy pipeline 2021

Technology Cost Perspectives in the Indonesian Power Sector

Waste to Energy - Potential, Guidelines, & Overcoming Barriers

Barriers of Waste to Energy in Lombok and how to adress them

     Financing aspects of Waste to Energy in Lombok

     Public instruments for Waste to Energy in Lombok

Barriers of Waste to Energy in Batam and how to adress them

     Financing aspects of Waste to Energy in Batam

     Public instruments for Waste to Energy in Batam

Waste-to-Energy potential and project development guideline in Lombok

Waste-to-Energy potential and project development guideline in Batam

Energy Audits

Energy Audit Report PT Indolakto

Energy Audit Report PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya

Energy Audit Report PT Amerta Indah Otsuka

Energy Audit Report PT Great Giant Pineapple

Energy Audit Report PT Heinz 

 Energy Audit Report PT Cocoa Industries

Prefeasibility Studies

Prefeasibility study in North Sulawesi

Prefeasibility study in Riau

Guidelines for Prefeasibility Studies

Lombok, Prefeasibility studies on RE solutions

Integration of Wind Energy

Publication: Integration of Wind Energy in Power Systems - A summary of Danish experiences

Powering Indonesia by Wind


Dansk-indonesisk energisamarbejde


Anders Kruse
Team Leader (+45) 3392 6643