Academic Frontiers publish article about the Green Transformation of Denmark – experiences with a cost efficient way to energy efficiency and a sustainable economy

15. April 2015

In February 2015, the scientific Chinese monthly ‘Academic Frontiers’ a magazine under the ‘People’s Daily’ published an article with the title ‘Green Transformation of Denmark – experiences with a cost efficient way to energy efficiency and a sustainable economy’ describing the Danish Sustainable Energy Model.

The authors are Kaare Sandholt, International Advisor at China Renewable National Renewable Energy Centre in Beijing, and Niels Bisgaard Pedersen, Advisor in the Danish Energy Agency.

The article describes over 18 pages the integrated and holistic Danish approach to energy planning, active stakeholder involvement and the unparalleled results obtained after the oil crisis in 1973, especially since 1990.  

The focus of the article is the latest Danish energy strategy (Our Future Energy) from 2011 with the long term target of a fossil fuel free energy sector in 2050 by replacing conventional fuels with renewable energy and drastic reduction of the energy consumption by energy efficiency measures. The strategy was the basis for implementing the current policy measures for the period 2012 to 2020.

The publishing of the article demonstrates the high Chinese interest in the Danish experiences with deployment of renewable energy; and the ability of the China National Renewable Energy Centre to create attention on the possibilities for China in learning about policies to increase the use of renewable energy.

The article can be accessed in Chinese from or by contacting the Danish Energy Agency (Niels Bisgaard Pedersen,, who can also provide an English copy on request or any further information required).



Find video clip where DEA special advisor Ole Emmik Sørensen is interviewed by CCTV about applying Danish solutions to China here 

Niels Bisgaard Pedersen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 23 39 36 66


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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