China: 12 Pioneering Danish-Chinese Energy Projects

4. June 2014

On May 14, 2014, a progress meeting of 12 energy projects under the Renewable Energy Development Programme was conducted at the Danish Energy Agency(DEA) in Copenhagen. Representatives from the Royal Danish Embassy, China National Renewable Energy Centre, DEA, and contact persons in charge of the projects from Danish side attended the meeting.

As a follow up on a similar meeting in May 2013, a progress meeting of 12 projects under the RED Programme was held on May 14 2014 in Copenhagen. The meeting took place at the Danish Energy Agency (DEA). Representatives from the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing and China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) were present. Contact persons in charge of the projects from Danish side also attended the meeting. 

As the projects are nearing completion, this meeting was an informal part of the evaluation process. During the meeting the cooperation on energy and climate between China and Denmark was introduced focusing on the increasing Chinese demand for Danish experiences and technological solutions in the field of renewable energy. The goal is to strengthen the Sino-Danish cooperation to encourage renewable energy use in both countries.

Status of renewable energy development in China

Mr. Gao Hu from CNREC gave a presentation on the status of renewable energy development in China, and introduced potential areas of cooperation between China and Denmark in the future. As for the dissemination plan, Mr. Gao Hu gave a detailed description of future activities, and what events would be combined with the dissemination thus encouraging the partners to fulfill the activities with fruitful results.

At the discussion session, information about the “New European Funding Programme for Mobility of EU Researchers to China” was shared and it drew lots of attention and discussion. This may be another funding source for the cooperation between China and Denmark.CNREC and the Danish Embassy representatives were satisfied with the meeting.

The meeting provided an overview of DEA’s engagement in China by sharing and disseminating experiences and results from the C2 projects
The Danish contact persons presented the individual progress in the following sequence:

  • Biogas to electricity demonstration project—by Mr. Lars Bøgeskov Hyttel
  • Kenaf Cellulose ethanol production demonstration project (1200t/y)—by Ms. Wu Guifang
  • ORES – offshore wind resource mapping—by Ms. Charlotte Bay Hasager
  • Testing system for large scale wind turbines—by Mr. Chen Zhe
  • Modeling and simulation of wind power & VSC-HVDC and its application in offshore wind power integration—by Mr. Chen Zhe
  • Wind turbine testing platform—by Mr. Kim Branner
  • Large scale solar heating testing platform- by Mr. Simon Furbo
  • Demonstration program on efficient solar-geo-hybrid heating and cooling—by Mr. Torben Esbensen
  • Integration of high penetration of renewable energy resources into the industrial power system with Micro-grid solution—by MS. Zong Yi
  • Regional renewable energy heating supply project—by Mr. Peter Jørgensen
  • System integration of wind power by use of the DH/CHP systems in north-east China—by Mr. Thomas Engberg Pedersen

It was evident from presentations given, that most projects have been successful in delivering on objectives. For some projects, there is still some ground to be covered before finalization of all projects by end 2014. The projects have fostered valuable relationships between Chinese and Danish institutions that will be maintained even after completion. It was evident, that the partners had generated a number of ideas for further projects that may come to fruition in the coming years.

Fact sheet on the 12 projects

Erik Kjær
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 41 18 84 29


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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