China: China Energy Experts are Pleading for an Increased use of Renewable Energy

8. May 2015

By 2050 60 % of China’s total energy consumption may be powered by renewable energy sources. A report recently released by the Energy Research Institute National Development and Reform Centre alongside with CNREC, proposes a transformation of Chinese energy that could combat air pollution while maintaining a healthy economic growth.

China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) cooperates with Danish experts in developing scenarios for the Chinese energy system with the purpose of analyzing alternative pathways for China’s future energy sector development and contributing to the ongoing policy process on China’s green energy transition. The Danish scenario studies apply optimization tools and methodologies that have been transferred to a Chinese context such as the overall Chinese power, heating and transportation systems. The purpose of developing the 2050 scenario is to influence the future political choices by engaging in dialogue with the key decision-makers formulating the Chinese energy policy.

The recent study report indicates that in 2050 renewable energy could be able to meet 60 % of China's primary energy demand, as well as make up for more than 85% of the electricity supply. The study thoroughly emphasizes that the scenario is not only technically feasible, but also economically affordable.

This report is thoroughly prepared based on scenario analyses developed in interdisciplinary research cooperation between CNREC and the Chinese energy authorities, under the National Energy Administration, among several other agencies. Though scenarios are not direct implementation plans, the application of optimization tools and methodologies, previously used in a Danish context, for the scenarios provide valuable insights to mechanisms, limitations, impact of different policy measures and possible pathways to explore.

Watch the news feature on CNTV here

Watch also DEA's video on CNREC here

About CNREC and the scenario studies, About the bilateral cooperation with China

Søren Mensal Kristensen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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