China: Chinese delegation from the sustainable urban development zone, Nanjing High Tech Zone, visits the Danish Energy Agency

6. May 2013

A Chinese delegation from the urban development zone in Nanjing visited the Danish Energy Agency April 29. to look for inspiration in the Danish approach to energy efficient building.

The delegation from Nanjing High Tech Zone, a special national pilot project for sustainable urban development, visited the Danish Energy Agency to look at energy efficient building in Denmark, including how Denmark over the last 40 years has worked with building codes and incentives to derive the energy consumption of buildings – without sacrificing standards of living.

The delegation is in Denmark as a part of a longer visit from April 28 to May 3, where they among others are to visit Copenhagen Green Lighthouse, Medicon Valley in Hillerød, Cowi, NNE Pharmaplan and Danfoss – all companies which are engaged in the development of Nanjing High Tech Zone.

Cooperation between Danish and Chinese companies

In December 2012 seven Danish companies headed by Cowi signed a memorandum of understanding with Nanjing High Tech Zone to develop a sustainable bio-pharmaceutical park as a part of the larger Nanjing High Tech Zone. The park will be based on Danish technology and know-how within low energy building.

The project marks an important step forward in Sino-Danish cooperation and knowledge sharing in the area of energy efficient building and green urbanization. The Nanjing High Tech Zone project also includes the building of Nanjing Green Lighthouse, which is a twin to the Copenhagen Green Lighthouse, only in a version scaled up three times.

Danish companies sign strategic Memorandum of Understanding with Nanjing High Tech Zone, Nanjing High Tech Zone, Green Lighthouse in Copenhagen

Anton Beck
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 29 62 39 96


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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