China: Chinese delegation visits Denmark to study the use of biomass

25. February 2013

China’s goal of greening its economic development heightens the Chinese focus on renewable energy sources. February 25-26 a Chinese delegation visits Denmark to find inspiration based on Danish experiences in using biomass for energy and heat generation.

The Chinese ministry of energy, the National Energy Administration (NEA) is currently on a grand tour of Europe in order to study the use of renewable energy. As a part of the trip the Chinese delegation – led by Liang Zhipeng, deputy director in the Department of Renewable Energy of NEA – visits Denmark to learn from the Danish experiences using biomass for cogeneration.

In June 2012 NEA and the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building signed a memorandum of understanding with the aim of strengthening Sino-Danish cooperation with the purpose of promoting renewable energy in China. The memorandum signifies the growing Chinese demand for Danish experiences and know-how in the field of renewable energy. The memorandum is an extension of an ongoing cooperation programme between the Danish Energy Agency and the China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) focusing on Sino-Danish exchange of experiences and joint partnerships within development and application of renewable energy technologies.

The long-standing Danish tradition of generatingpower and heat in combined heat and power plants as well as Denmark’s expansive use of district heating has generated major Chinese interest. Today district heating covers to 2/3 of the Danish demand for residential heating etc. Moreover, in recent years Denmark has gained substantial experience in using biomass at a large-scale as fuel for cogeneration. The conversion from reliance of coal in combined heart and power plants towards the use of biomass is expected to continue in the coming years.

During the delegation visit the Danish Energy Agency will do a presentation on Danish energy policy with a special focus on the use of biomass for combined heat and power generation. By 2020 renewable energy’s share of the total energy consumption in Denmark will be increased from 22 pct. to 35 pct. This target will be reached by applying political initiatives such as changes in the heat legislation and the tax code that favours the conversion from fossil fuels to biomass in the generation of heat and power at Danish combined heat and power plants.

During their visit to Denmark the delegation will also pay visits to different plants and factories:

  • The Avedøre Power Plant. The Plant is an example of a large Danish combined heat and power station which predominantly bases its cogeneration on biomass including wood pellets and straw. The plant moreover has plans to convert an entire block from coal to biomass. Also DONG Energy will present their new gasification technology, both examples of the large-scale use of biomass at power plants and cutting-edge technology.
  • Borup straw-based heating plant is an example of a minor combined heat and power plant which for years has produced district heating from straw for a small town.
  • Køge Bio Pellet manufacturing plant. The Plant produces straw pellets for the Amager Power Plant in Copenhagen. Vattenfall, who owns the plant, will present their experiences from conversion of a block at the Amager Power Plant to biomass.
  • TK Energy who designs gasifiers to large power plants and industrial facilities.

Finally a study on assessing available biomass resources in Denmark and the options to provide additional Danish biomass to the energy sector will be presented – a study conducted by Copenhagen and Århus Universities, the Technical University of Denmark and DONG Energy. Also, the delegation will receive a status of Danish research and development of gasification technology for renewable energy.

Anton Beck
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 29 62 39 96


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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