China: CNREC’s first Management Committee Meeting concerning the CIFF-program in Beijing

6. August 2015

2 July, the first Management Committee Meeting under the CIFF composition (CNREC, CIFF, NREL and DEA) was held at CNREC’s premises in Beijing. The meeting covered the main priorities for next year’s work programme including the upcoming Policy Suggestion Report in the autumn, which will serve as input to the next - and 13th - five-year plan in China.

At the committee meeting China National Renewable Energy Center (CNREC) presented the status of the first six months’ activities to the attending members of the management, counting CNREC’s management, CIFF, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Danish Energy Agency (DEA).  Most important, CNREC gave a detailed review of the four main fields of interest:

  • Modeling and scenario studies
  • Distributed generation
  • Power system flexibility
  • Power planning and a RE friendly grid

DEA presented the recent drafts of two, major fact finding reports, “Flexibility in the Power System – Danish and European Experiences” and “RE Friendly Grid Planning – Danish and European Experiences”, which are prepared in cooperation with Danish These were received with pronounced recognition from CNREC’s side and the American research-institute NREL announced that they will be preparing four similar reports. 

Furthermore, CNREC presented a draft of the 2015-16 work-program which includes a continuous consolidation of scenario studies and modeling with assistance with aid from Ea Energy Analyses, flexibility in the power system, integration of renewable energy, planning of transmission systems, distributed energy and communication. 

All together the Management Committee meeting further underlined that the CIFF-program has had a successful take-of and clearly determined CNREC’s role as a capable institution in delivering results and assistance to the Chinese energy authorities. 

Materials on China, About Flexibility in the power system, About the Future role of System Dispatch and Grid Interconnectors in Electricity Market Framework

The Sino-Danish Cooperation

Anders Brix Thomsen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 66 89


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Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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