China: The Danish Energy Agency presents the Danish energy model and Denmark’s energy policy to China Southern Power Grid Corp

9. November 2015

4 November, the Danish Energy Agency presented the Danish energy model and development to a delegation from China Southern Power Grid, which has 230 million customers and annual investments of around 100 billion DKK. Deputy Director General Kristoffer Böttzauw started with shortly presenting the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and its role before the Chinese delegation was presented in depth to the Danish energy policies, including the Danish experience with both onshore and offshore wind development and policies supporting increased use of biomass in Denmark.

The delegation from China Southern Power Grid is on study tour in Denmark to learn more about Danish experiences within the energy field, energy savings and the development of renewable energy in particular. The study tour is hosted by SE and comprises visits to Danfoss,, HOFOR and not least the Danish Energy Agency

230,000,000 customers make China Southern Power Grid the second largest power grid company in China. They are visiting DEA with the ambition to learn how Denmark has been able to make renewable energy a large share of the energy system and succeed with large energy savings. They showed particular interest in how cost competitive wind power is in Denmark compared to their experience in China. Further, they paid particular attention to the Danish offshore development, offshore costs and how the funding of wind investments is made. China Southern Power Grid are fully aware of the long energy revolution that China is commencing these years and look towards Denmark for a long-term relationship. China has a long term vision of becoming fossil fuel free and aims to have thermal coal power plants to only represent 1/3 of the Chinese energy system in 2050. 

The DEA presented how the Danish energy development has taken place so far, as well as what specific energy targets and long term scenarios Denmark are working with –nationally and in EU. Using long term scenarios to aid the development of the energy system was highlighted by China Southern Power Grid as an impressive and consistent way to drive the development. The DEA also presented how the productivity of wind power parks in Denmark has improved over time and how life cycle (LCoE) cost of wind now makes onshore wind the most cost competitive technology in Denmark. The presentation ended with an example of how active Danish energy policy has paved the road for the large share of biomass in the energy system including the large conversion of fossil fuel based CHP plants to biomass in recent years. The use of long-term and consistent energy policy was highlighted by China Southern Power Grid as a considerable Danish advantage.

About the Danish-Chinese cooperation, Information materials on China

The Danish Energy Model

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