China: Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Programme celebrated as a new five-year programme continues the cooperation

12. January 2015

The 16 and 17 December 2014 marked the significant results of the five-year Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Programme as the programme was concluded and the beginning of a new five-year trilateral cooperation sponsored by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation was launched.


Celebration of the finalisation of the Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Programme

The finalisation and results of the Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Programme was celebrated in Beijing on 16 December 2014 in the presence of a large audience. The event was chaired by Mr. Shi Lishan, Vice Minister, and comprised Chinese speakers from NEA, MOFCOM, CNREC and Danish speakers from the Danish Energy Agency and the Royal Danish Embassy in China. The success and importance of the RED Programme was emphasised by all speakers, including the establishment of CNREC in 2012, which has been considered a major success.

Among representative participating in the celebration were high-level Chinese energy sector officials from the Chinese National Energy Administration, State Council members and stakeholders from the Chinese energy industry.  From the Danish side representatives from the Royal Danish Embassy and the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building took part. Also representatives from the Danish press and producers of energy equipment were present to commemorate the RED Programme.

The importance and success of the Sino-Danish cooperation in terms of promoting and putting renewable energy high on the agenda in China was stressed by all speakers. The rest of the world is preparing their economy and energy sector to the low-carbon transformation; and China must follow suit. CNREC has an important role to play in changing the Chinese mindset, and paving the way for the transformation.

Major achievement, milestones and selected research from the RED Programme was highlighted during the event:

  • Scenario-analyses for the Chinese energy sector in 2050 have demonstrated China’s potential deployment and utilisation of very large amounts of renewable energy in the next 35 years.
  • The 2050 roadmaps defining the political, technological and economic pathways for increased deployment of wind, biomass and solar energy in China.
  • A research project demonstrating the energy storage possibilities in an integrated wind-PV system.
  • The benefits of integrating wind power and district heating systems in Harbin. 

Initiation of the cooperation between CNREC, Children’s Investments Fund Foundation, NREL and DEA

The future work of CNREC will from the beginning of 2015 continue in a trilateral cooperation between CNREC, the US based National Renewable Energy Laboratories (NREL) and the Danish Energy Agency. The trilateral cooperation is a new five-year programme, sponsored by the British Charity Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), as part of their climate mitigation activities, which will ensure a continuation of the quality of the past five years of renewable energy cooperation.  

The kick-off of this new cooperation was marked by a large workshop on the 16 December 2014 comprising official representatives from the Chinese energy sector, power companies and research institutions. The focus of the workshop was the work programme for the coming years followed by a discussion of the opportunities and challenges for CNREC to play a role in the formulation of the Chinese energy policy for the coming years.

The five-year programme, funded by CIFF, will concentrate around boosting the model tools of CNREC, the development of long-term energy sector scenario-analyses and a further integration of renewable energy in the power system. The programme is envisaged to provide important inputs to the 13th five-year plan from 2016-20 already in 2015. The Danish Energy Agency will provide technical assistance to the programme and ensure participation of the – the Danish TSO.

In a separate bilateral cooperation between Denmark and China, the Danish Energy Agency will provide assistance concerning the application of renewable energy in the heat sector.

During an internal kick-off workshop on 17 December 2014, the new project framework was introduced and discussed with the management of CNREC and 40 staff members from CIFF, NREL, the Danish Energy Agency and EA Energianalyse.

Watch CNREC's celebration video here.

Anton Beck
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 29 62 39 96

Niels Bisgaard Pedersen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 23 39 36 66


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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