China: Study Tour in Denmark on Climate Change and Environmental Journalism for Chinese Media

18. June 2015

From June 13th to 21st a delegation representing the Chinese press will experience Danish hospitality and an opportunity to learn about the energy solutions, that Denmark has had great success implementing during the last decades in the transmission from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

In recent years China has had an increasing focus on climate change issues – especially that of pollution in Chinese cities – and thus the government acknowledges that China is not only responsible for high levels of emission, but is suffering significantly from it too. Consequently, more and more Chinese journalists are reporting on climate change and environmental issues across the entire media spectrum to raise awareness about China’s great emission challenge and the opportunity for a greener environment.

Since 2006, International Media Support (IMS) has supported schemes to provide Chinese colleagues with increased motivation and resources to tackle climate change issues in the media. Supported by the government of Denmark, the program’s activities include fellowship schemes and study tours that raise the environmental issues relevant to citizens at large.

The programme for this 9 day study tour – which is the second of its kind this summer – is packed with discussion sessions, presentations and site visits all around Denmark. The participants will have the opportunity to; study sustainable energy solutions at the green island of Samsoe in Western Denmark, meet Governmental representatives and energy authorities, and learn about environmental solutions from leading Danish companies.

There is a growing Chinese interest in renewable energy solutions and green growth, and Denmark's famed energy transition and long-term vision is a source for inspiration. This study tour provides an opportunity for media professionals to reflect critically on topics of high public interest in both Denmark and China

- Esben Harboe, Programme Manager at IMS

At the DEA premises, senior advisor Søren Kristensen and head of section Niels Pedersen, introduced the group to the overall aspects of Denmark’s energy cooperation with China, including details on China National Renewable Energy Centre, and elaborated on the Danish energy model. The delegation, consisting of journalists from Chinese NGOs, various media platforms and also a representative from the Ministry of Environment, were extremely enthusiastic during the meeting and a lively discussion emerged.

There were many testing questions about the economic calculations and practical energy planning in regards to the scenario studies in China. The energetic participation and interest in Danish recommendation to a renewable future energy mix in China prove a change in the public discourse that the climate challenges are taken seriously.

About the Danish-Chinese cooperation, Information materials on China

Søren Mensal Kristensen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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