The Danish Energy Agency publishes tender material for the nearshore wind farm tender

The next step has been taken in the nearshore wind farm tendering process, which will lead to the construction of 350 MW nearshore wind energy in up to six areas across the country. The tender will be closed in the spring of 2016, and the wind farms are to be completed in 2020.

With the publication of the contract notice in February, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) officially launched the tender of nearshore wind farms totaling 350 MW in up to six sites. The six sites are Vesterhav Nord, Vesterhav Syd, Sæby, Sejerø Bugt, Smålandsfarvandet and Bornholm. This is now followed by the preliminary tender documents, which are now available for potential tenderers. The tender material describes the conditions for the establishment, operation and decommissioning of the nearshore wind farms. The material is available from the DEA’s English website, which is aimed at potential tenderers. For now the material is only in Danish, but it will soon be translated.

"In Denmark, we are some of the best in the world at tendering offshore wind turbines. Latest we saw Horns Rev 3 settled as one of the cheapest offshore wind projects in Europe. At the same time the Danish model for tendering was highly praised at the European conference for offshore wind, EWEA Offshore, in Copenhagen recently. We are constantly improving the tender model, to better the process and to attract new tenderers and thus ensuring competition and continuing to lower prices on offshore wind" says Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Rasmus Helveg Petersen.

Areas designated for coastal wind farms

The EIA reports for the six sites will be sent out for public consultation soon, after which the DEA, the Nature Agency and the Danish TSO will host a public meeting at each of the six possible sites.

The nearshore wind farm tender was a part of the energy agreement from 2012. The tender will be closed in the spring of 2016, and the wind farms are to be completed in 2020.

Minister for Climate, Energy and Building, Rasmus Helveg Petersen, can be contacted via press officer Rasmus Bjorn at or phone 0045 41 72 90 77.

Therese Kofoed Jensen
Center for Energiressourcer
Tlf.: 41 72 91 

Mikkel Svane-Petersen
Chef for kommunikation
Center for Organisation
Tlf.: 33 92 66 43

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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