District heating around the North Sea – HOT|COOL magazine looks into DEA’s cooperation with UK and Germany

3. August 2015

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has contributed to the latest issue of HOT|COOL magazine from Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH). Five articles cover a two-year pilot initiative between DEA and the Danish Trade Council which aims to strengthen the conditions for Danish energy business in important markets by promoting Danish experiences on energy policy and regulation in the North Sea area. So far Germany, Scotland, England and China are the main focal points of the export -oriented initiative since the specific countries meet the requirements for an optimal cooperation: They must already be on a pathway towards a greener energy sector as well as the prospects for export of green energy technology must be high from a business point of view.

Internationally, there is a great interest in the Danish energy model and an eager to learn from Danish experiences. The two-year initiative seeks to translate this interest into stronger commercial ties and will be an implementing step towards strong, green energy sectors. 

Read the magazine online here -  find the articles at page 9 though 17
About the export initiative (in Danish), About the delegatin visit from Scotland in May

The Danish Energy Model,  District Heating - Danish Experiences

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