Exploration well Bo-4X in the Danish part of the North Sea did not discover oil or gas
Press Release:
As operator for DUC in the Sole Concession of 8 July 1962 Mærsk Oil has drilled the Bo-4X (5504/7-16) exploration well in the western part of the Danish North Sea. The well did not discover oil or gas.
Bo-4X was drilled as a vertical well with Upper Cretaceous Hidra chalk as target and reached its total depth in Lower Cretaceous clay stone at 2337 metres below mean sea level. Cores were taken and an extensive logging programme was carried out.
Bo-4X was spudded on 5 September 2013 with the jack-up rig ENSCO 72 at the position 55° 46’ 59" N; 04° 33' 20" E (UTM zone 31; 6 183 158.38 m N; 597 567.46 m E), where the water depth is 44 metres.
The well is plugged and abandoned.
The following companies participate in DUC:
Company %Shell Olie og Gasudvinding Danmark B.V. Holland. Dansk Filial36,8A.P. Møller – Mærsk A/S og Mærsk Olie og Gas A/S (Bevillingshavere)31,2Chevron Denmark, Filial af Chevron Denmark Inc., USA12,0Nordsøfonden20,0
Geologist Steffen B. Olsen, Danish Energy Agency, sbo@ens.dk, phone +45 33 92 66 73 (office) or +45 20 47 01 67 (mobile)
Steffen Bjørn Olsen
Center for Energiressourcer
Tlf.: 33 92 66 73