Introducing the first Danish whitepaper on District Energy

23. February 2016

State of Green has alongside the Danish Energy Agency (DEA), the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) and the Danish Board of District Heating (DBDH), contributed to the preparations of the new whitepaper on District Energy published by State of Green.

The purpose of this paper is to give international decision makers a detailed publication including the history and the regulatory framework for district heating as well as explanatory case studies showing the possibilities in various markets and what the future could hold.

The whitepaper was launched at E-world in Essen on 16 February by State of Green in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Approximately 120 participants attended the launch, which was arranged by the DEA in Nordrhein-Westfalen. The director general of State of Green, Finn Mortensen, held a presentation about district heating and cooling in Denmark and introduced the whitepaper.

The timing is appropriate seeing that EU announced the new strategy for heating and cooling. More than a few of the ambitions in the strategy is addressed in the in the whitepaper.

Read more about the whitepaper at State of Green’s website and download it here

District Energy

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