Kick-start of Indonesian wind development

Kick-start of Indonesian wind development

Indonesia makes use of Denmark’s experience in integrating fluctuating sources of renewable energy in the power grid. Last week, the Danish Embassy, Jakarta, and the Danish Energy Agency organised a workshop specifically targeting the integration of wind power.

Indonesia’s annual power consumption will grow with astonishing 7 % per year until 2025. In order to meet the demand, an additional 35 GW of new generation capacity must be added before 2020. Part of the response is to kick-start Indonesia’s development of wind power.

Indonesia has previously been considered unattractive for wind energy because of perceived low wind speeds, but a new wind atlas supported by Denmark and a new generation of wind turbines, designed for low wind regime, allows Indonesia to develop wind energy as a national green energy resource at competitive prices:

At the workshop, Danish experience and perspectives for Indonesia were shared relating to policy and regulatory measures, power markets, forecasting and flexibility. Presentations and topics gave ample room for discussion among the 70 participants and significant feedback from Indonesian stakeholders.

The workshop is part of the strategic sector cooperation between Indonesia and Denmark on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency that was initiated in January 2016 and lasts until end 2018. The overall objective of the cooperation is to assist Indonesia in developing policies and strategies to achieve the national RE and EE objectives.

The work shop was attended by 60 officials mainly from the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as well as from the state owned utility PLN. The Danish team comprised experts from, EA Energy Analyses and DEA. The workshop was facilitated and moderated by the Danish Embassy. Further, Siemens Wind Power and Vestas provided presentations. The energy cooperation builds on the development cooperation, Environmental Support Programme, and stresses the partnership between Indonesia and Denmark on energy.

Next: An Indonesian delegation will visit Denmark in January 2017.


Erik Kjær, Danish Energy Agency, tel: +45 33 92 67 95, e-mail:

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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