Leak at North Stream 2 in the Baltic Sea
A leak has been discovered Monday from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Danish part of the Baltic Sea. The Danish Maritime Authority has released a navigational warning and established a prohibitive no sail zone around the area.
Illustration: Prohibitive Zone marked by yellow.
The Danish Authorities has today been informed about a pressure drop in the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The preliminary assessment indicates that a leak has occurred from one of the two Nord Stream 2 pipelines in the Danish area Southeast of Dueodde at Bornholm at coordinates 54 52,6N - 015 24,6E, from where natural gas is leaking. The Danish Maritime Authority has released a navigational warning and established a prohibitive zone within 5 nautical miles of the pipeline, as it is dangerous for naval traffic.
There are no security risks related to the leak outside of the prohibitive zone. The incident is not expected to have consequences for the security of Danish gas supply.
The relevant authorities are currently coordinating the incident response and the Danish Energy Agency will continue to update on the incident.