Market dialogue on Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm

Market dialogue on Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm

Between November 25 and 30, 2020, the Danish Energy Agency and Energinet will host a market dialogue for potential tenderers and the industry on the coming Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm tender.

Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm is the second offshore wind farm agreed in the Energy Agreement of June 2018. With the Climate Agreement of June 2020, it was decided to advance the timetable for preparations for the tender as well as the deadline for when the wind farm has to be in full operation, compared to what had originally been agreed in 2018. It means that Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm now has to be fully commissioned by the end of 2027, which is at the same time as Thor Offshore Wind Farm.

Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm will be located north of Sealand in Kattegat and will have it’s point of connection (POC) in Hovegård, around 50 km from the coast. The capacity of the POC is 1,000 MW, while the installed capacity of Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm can be between 800-1.200 MW. The excess 200 MW is so-called overplanting that the concessionaire e.g. can choose to use for Power to X (PtX) or for storage (batteries), although PtX or storage is not a part of the tender.

The aim of the market dialogue

During the market dialogue, the main elements of the tender will be discussed between the DEA, Energinet and potential tenderers and the industry, who thereby get the opportunity to influence the framework conditions for Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm. The aim of the market dialogue is to optimize the framework conditions in order to ultimately reach the lowest possible bid price.

The market dialogue will mainly focus on the following topics:

  • Timetable for the tendering process and the process towards 2027
  • Conditions for pre-qualification and number of pre-qualified tenderers
  • Support mechanism
  • Financial terms and compliance penalties
  • Options for overplanting, PtX and batteries
  • Environmental assessments
  • Coexistence with fishery
  • The onshore project and grid connection

The market dialogue will be virtual

Due to the current COVID19-related restrictions, the DEA has chosen to arrange the market dialogue as a fully virtual event. The DEA will publish electronic material on the above topics two weeks prior to the market dialogue. After this, interested tenderers and the industry can ask for confidential bilateral meetings with the DEA and Energinet during one of the four days that are allocated to the market dialog (25, 26, 27and 30 November 2020). The DEA will inform about this later.

After the bilateral meetings, the participants to the market dialogue will have the opportunity to submit written questions or comments to the DEA, which the DEA and Energinet will then answer in a Q&A.

More information

Read more about Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm tender and get updates on the project at (aimed at potential tenderers).

You can also sign up to receive newsletters every time new information or new documents are added to Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm’s homepage.


Project manager Therese Kofoed Jensen,, telephone (+45) 3392 6810

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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