New Open Door application from Nikoil
The Danish Energy Agency has received a licence application Nikoil Limited for exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Open Door Area.
The Danish Energy Agency has on 7 March 2012 received a licence application for exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Open Door Area. The applicant is Nikoil Limited, a company registered in Great Britain.The application concerns an area in the North Sea (see map in pdf).
The application is now being processed by the Danish Energy Agency.According to the Open Door Procedure the oil companies have opportunity to apply for licences at any time during the yearly opening period from the 2nd of January until the 30th of September. The Open Door Procedure applies to all non-licensed acreage east of 6° 15' eastern longitude, i.e. all onshore areas as well as the offshore area except the westernmost part of the North Sea, confer map.
Map: Danish Licence Area, March 2012
Steffen Bjørn Olsen
Center for Energiressourcer
Tlf.: 33 92 66 73