Rødsand II Offshore Wind Farm Reopen for Tenders

The Danish Energy Authority is today soliciting new tenders for the Rødsand II Offshore Wind Farm south of Lolland. Domestic and international companies may bid to construct the 200 MW offshore wind farm, which shall be connected to the Danish electrical grid by 30 September .

Rødsand II had previously been open for competitive bidding, won by a consortium of Energi E2, DONG Vind and E.ON Vind Sverige. The project later was turned over solely to E.ON Vind, which decided in late December not to construct the wind farm under the specified terms. Now a new solicitation of tenders is underway. Since the project's environmental impact has already been assessed and described in an EIA report that will be made available to the new contractor, the project is not starting completely over, but can draw upon the work already done. The Danish Energy Authority expects that a winning bidder will be named before the summer holidays.

"Denmark faces a considerable task in the coming years when it comes to the development of sustainable energy. So it is a good thing that the Rødsand II Offshore Wind Farm is quickly coming up for tender again, and I have emphasized that the winner will be obliged to build the farm immediately after being named. Several companies have already shown interest in building the farm, and that is promising for the coming process. It is important that the project gets quickly on track again", says Minister for Climate and Energy Connie Hedegaard (Conservative Party).

The Danish Energy Authority invites all interested companies to bid on the project. Terms for the project are described in the tender specifications, which are available on the Authority's website (www.ens.dk) along with the EIA report, maps, geotechnical data and other relevant information. The deadline for bid submissions is 2 April .

Facts about wind
Denmark has eight offshore wind farms with a combined electrical capacity of 423 MW. The world's first offshore wind farm was Vindeby, in . The farms first became large-scale with the Horns Rev and Nysted projects. Read more on the Danish Energy Authority's website, www.ens.dk.

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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