Vietnam: More energy efficient technologies and services to industries in Vietnam

9. October 2015

Sector studies of enterprises in Vietnam shows great potential for increased energy efficiency. The studies are a part of the LCEE project between Denmark and Vietnam.

A staff of the enterprise takes a sample of the ammonia in the cooling system for the trainees to check the water contents.

The Vietnamese-Danish cooperation on energy efficiency in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the LCEE project, launched a new component on 23th September 2015. This component aims at increasing the energy efficiency of equipment supplied to the industries as well as the effectiveness of the energy services.

Two sector studies of the seafood sector and the brick sector under the LCEE project have proven a very significant potential for increased energy efficiency. In the seafood sector alone the potential is estimated at 30%, most of which is to be found in the cooling technology. In order to capture this potential, the SMEs have to rely on the knowledge and expertise of the suppliers of technology as well as the providers of energy services such as energy audits.

A total of three capacity building initiatives will be performed, addressing energy efficiency of cooling, tunnel kilns for brick making and business development of energy efficiency service centers.

The first stage of the cooling technology capacity building was launched on 23th September. A total of 31 trainees, suppliers of cooling technology, experts from energy efficiency centres and consultants as well as experts from universities and others were exposed to a first day of class-room training followed by two days of site visits to seafood industries to practice the teaching. The training was led by two experts from the Danish company CoolPartners.

The training focused primarily on no-cost and low-cost measures related to maintenance of the cooling systems, such as removal of air and water as well as oil in the systems, which may cause considerable reduction in the efficiency.
At the next stage of the training, the trainees will each exercise the knowledge gained on a cooling plant of their choice, and they will write a report for the management of the enterprise. The two Danish experts will review the reports and provide comments.

During the third stage of the capacity building, the two Danish experts will meet the trainees again to discuss the reports and to perform further training of energy efficiency measures.

The training was very well received, and all participants signed in for the two following stages.

Read more about the Vietnamese-Danish cooperation here.

About the Vietnamese-Danish cooperation, Materials on the Vietnamese-Danish cooperation

Jørgen Hvid
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