Current wave power projects
Wave power plants is a promising, but yet immature technology for renewable electricity. Denmark is hosting four demonstration plants at sea based on different concepts and is thereby positioned in the top 5 among development countries in the world.
The development work in Denmark is currently focusing on development of technology concepts and conducting sea tests of large scale models. Another promising development perspective is synergy effects with offshore wind farms. There are currently (winter 2015) three wave power plants with permissions to test in Danish seas and one developer with permission to do pre-investigations to prepare an area for future wave energy plants.

Danish active projects
NEMOS - Nissum Bredning
The German wave energy developer NEMOS is currently testing a 1/5th scaled device at the Nissum Bredning Test Site. After three years of consecutive experiments in natural sea conditions, the design became mature and is now ready to be built in full scale. The full-scale prototype is under preparation and will be taken into operation in the waters of Hanstholm during 2016 and 2017.
Leancon Wave Energy
The Danish wave energy developer Leancon is currently testing a plant in Nissum Bredning. Design and construction of a 24 meter wide 1:10 scale model is completed and launched in the summer of 2015.
Wavepiston is currently testing a plant south of Hanstholm Harbour, which is expected to finish in 2017.
DanWEC - Hansholm Harbour
The DEA has September 1, 2015 authorized DanWEC for feasibility studies in the area at the port of Hanstholm. The studies should help to prepare an area for the use of wave power.
Danish passive and finished projects
Poseidon - Vindeby, Lolland
The company Floating Power Plant A/S has permission for Poseidon 37 for test at Vindeby until March 2010.
Wave Dragon - Nissum Bredning
Wave Dragons has permission for test and electricity production permit until the end of December 2009.
Wave Star – Nissum bredning and Hanstholm
The plants' permissions are valid until August 2011 for the Nissum Bredining site and until November 2013 for the Hanstholm site.
Waveplane - Hanstholm
Waveplane A/S has a permission to test at the Hanstholm site until August 2009.
DEXA Wave Energy – Venø bugt and Hanstholm
The model sited in Venø Bugt has permission until October 2009 and the Danish Energy Agency is currently assessing an application for for test at Hanstholm until August 2011.