Traditional hydropower

Traditional hydropower is produced by using the energy that is generated by falling or flowing water, such as rivers and streams. Hydropower is one of the most widespread types of renewable energy worldwide, although in Denmark hydropower only has a subordinate role. In 2015 hydropower contributed with 0.1 percent of the total Danish electricity production.

By contrast, hydropower is far more common in the other Nordic countries – particular in Norway and Sweden, where great height differences characterize the landscape.

The Norwegian and Swedish hydropower plants play an important role in Denmark because of the electricity “storage” that Denmark can call on, in cases where other energy resources fail to produce an adequate amount of electricity.  

Wave power

Wave power plants are a promising, but yet immature technology for renewable electricity.  Wave power is produced by tapping energy from waves by using a special construction on the ocean. It is possible to produce energy with both high and low wind speed.

Currently (spring 2016), three wave power plants have permissions to test in Danish seas and one developer has permission to do pre-investigations to prepare an area for future wave energy plants.


Chief Advisor
Søren Keller
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