In order to accelerate the expansion of offshore wind production in Denmark, the signatory parties of the "Climate agreement on green power and heat of 25 June 2022" have decided that a minimum of 4 GW offshore wind capacity has to be tendered for construction before the end of 2030. Furthermore, it was decided with the Financial Act of 2022 that further 2 GW OWFs should be tendered before the end of 2030. It has been decided afterwards with a supplementary agreement regarding Energy Island Bornholm, that one of the 2 GW should be part of the Energy Island Bornholm, which capacity was expanded from 2 to 3 GW.

Overall, this means that political agreements have been made to tender a minimum of 9 GW additional offshore wind in Denmark for construction before the end of 2030, including 3 GW from Energy Island Bornholm and 800-1,200 MW from Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF).

The final locations of the OWFs were decided in “Tillægsaftale om udbudsrammer for 6 GW havvind og energiø Bornholm”. In order to ensure that the OWFs can be fully constructed before the end of 2030, the DEA has initiated planning, environmental assessments and preliminary investigations for the areas, for the establishment of OWF.

Read more about the results of the preliminary investigations.

6 wind farm currently in the tender process:

In case of any questions regarding the tenders or topics related to this, please contact us directly via EU-supply or

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