Invitation to orientation meeting as part of the market dialogue II regarding the Energy Island in the North Sea

The Danish Energy Agency invites potential tenderers to participate in an orientation meeting as part of the second market dialogue regarding the procurement framework for the construction and co-ownership of the Energy Island in the North Sea.

In light of the recent political agreement of 1 September 2021 on the basic procurement framework for the co-ownership and construction of the Energy Island in the North Sea, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) invites potential tenderers to participate in a physical (or virtual) orientation meeting.

The orientation meeting will launch the second market dialogue on the procurement framework for the construction and co-ownership of the Energy Island in the North Sea as well as providing potential tenderers the opportunity to get an overview and further details of the decisions from the political agreement. The orientation meeting will also inform participants on the further process towards the launch of the tender process.

The physical orientation meeting will take place at:

Location: Danish Energy Agency, Carsten Niebuhrs Gade 43, 1577 Copenhagen

Date: September the 15that 10.00 AM – 13.00 AM

Participation in the orientation meeting

The target audience for the orientation meeting as well as the market dialogue in general are potential Joint Venture Partners to the Danish State. Potential Joint Venture partners are welcome to join the market dialogue by themselves or accompanied by key consortia partners/suppliers. Please register for the meeting by sending an e-mail to no later than Tuesday the 14th of September at 12 AM. For those participants wishing to attend the meeting virtually, please let us know upon registration, and we will provide you with a skype link.

Please note, that the DEA reserves the right to set a maximum of 5 persons per company.

Further details regarding the agenda will follow.

After the orientation meeting the DEA will publish a short summery and the presentation from the meeting.

Market dialogue II – further process

After the orientation meeting the DEA will publish a Discussion Paper II and request for written comments and answers to the questions raised in the paper.

Potential tenderers that have submitted detailed written answers that raises the need for further dialogue will afterward be selected by the DEA to participate in bilateral dialogue meetings with the DEA.

The indicative timetable for the market dialogue II:

Mid/ultimo September 2021

“Discussion Paper II” will be published

Primo October 2021

Deadline for submission of written comments and answers to the questions raised in the Discussion Paper II.

Mid October 2021

The Danish Energy Agency will submit invitations to dialogue meetings to the selected tenderers

Ultimo October 2021

Bilateral dialogue meetings with invited participants (physical and/or virtual as preferred)

The specific dates of the timetable will follow.

Potential tenderers have the opportunity to stay updated on information about the market dialogue II on the website  and is encouraged to sign up to the newsletter.

After the dialogue meetings, the DEA will publish a short summary of the overall findings from the market dialogue II.

Background and further information:

  • The parties behind the Danish Climate Agreement of 22 June 2020 decided in February 2021 that the Energy Island in the North Sea should be established as an artificial island that will connect and distribute power from the surrounding offshore wind farms. The Energy Island in the North Sea must initially be able to handle power production from 3 GW offshore wind turbines, but the offshore wind capacity must in the longer term be able to increase to 10 GW.


Signe Marie Enghave,


M: +45 33 95 43 13

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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