Publication of the market dialogue material for the future Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm tender

Publication of the market dialogue material for the future Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm tender

Today, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) publishes the material for the market dialogue for the upcoming Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) tender. The DEA here invites potential tenderers and relevant industry associations to participate to the market dialogue by sending written input and/or by participating in a virtual meeting with the DEA and the Danish TSO, Energinet. Based on the discussion paper “Invitation to dialogue”, the participants are invited to answer the questions stated in the document but are also welcome to send input related to subjects that are not mentioned in the material.

The market dialogue will enable participants to give inputs and ask questions on the main elements of Hesselø OWF tender – and thereby influence the framework conditions for the tender. The aim of the market dialogue is to collect relevant input from market actors in order to ultimately obtain lowest possible bid prices when final bids are to be submitted for Hesselø OWF in 2022.

The market dialogue will mainly focus on the following topics:

  • Timetable for Hesselø OWF
  • Conditions for prequalification
  • Support mechanism
  • Penalty for defective performance, guarantee etc.
  • The option of overplanting and adding PtX assets or batteries
  • Co-existence with fisheries
  • Offshore grid connection, onshore facilities and Point of Connection (POC)
  • Environmental assessments
  • MetOcean data
  • Seabed investigations

Download the material for the market dialogue regarding Hesselø OWF tender

It should be noted that due to the current COVID 19-related restrictions, the DEA has chosen to arrange the market dialogue as a fully virtual event. The virtual meetings will take place on 25, 26, 27 and 30 November 2020.

How to participate

  • Written comments and questions to the DEA should be sent by e-mail to no later than 7 December 2020. Please use the Excel file “Input to market dialogue” on the market dialogue webpage to send your input.
  • Potential tenderers or relevant industry associations can also request a confidential virtual meeting with the DEA and Energinet where the framework for Hesselø OWF can be discussed. The virtual meetings will take place on 25, 26, 27 and 30 November 2020. The participants wishing to attend such a meeting should send a meeting request to the DEA by e-mail to no later than 19 November 2020 at 12:00 PM. Requests for meetings should include one or two suggested time slots of up to a maximum of two hours and a suggested agenda, which the DEA might supplement with further items before final adoption of the agenda. The suggested time slots should as far as possible be from 9:00-11:00, 12:00-14:00 or 14:30-16:30.
  • Following the meetings and written questions and input from the market players, the DEA will publish an overall written feedback document in which the topics raised in the market dialogue will be published anonymously along with the DEA’s response. The DEA will not necessarily answer all questions individually, but expects to respond to the questions and other input given in a summary format sorted by topic. The overall written feedback document will be made available on the Hesselø website. Information shared will under no circumstances be used in any way to provide competitive advantages to a single market player.

About Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm

Hesselø OWF is the ”second” offshore wind farm agreed on in the Danish Energy Agreement from June 2018. With the Danish Climate Agreement from June 2020, it has been decided to place the second wind farm off the island of Hesselø and to compress the time table of the overall tender process in order to advance the deadline for when the wind farm has to be in full operation compared to what had originally been agreed in 2018. This means that Hesselø OWF has to be fully commissioned by the end of 2027 which is at the same time as Thor OWF. The DEA plans to launch the tendering process in 2021, with the announcement of the winner of the tender at the end of 2022.

Hesselø OWF will be located north of Sealand in Kattegat and will have its POC in Hovegård, around 50 km from the coast. Only 1,000 MW can be delivered to the POC. However, the concessionaire has the choice to install between 800 and 1,200 MW. The 200 MW potential additional installed capacity compared to what can be delivered to the POC is called “overplanting”. The concessionaire can choose to use overplanting for optimizing design of cables or e.g. for Power to X (PtX) or batteries, although PtX and batteries are not a part of the tender.

More information

Read more about Hesselø OWF tender and get updates on the project at (aimed at potential tenderers).

You can also sign up to receive newsletters every time new information or new documents are added to Hesselø OWF’s webpage.


Project manager Therese Kofoed Jensen,, telephone (+45) 3392 6810

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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