Electricity consumption fell in 2009

In 2009, Danish domestic electricity supply fell by 3.9% compared with 2008. This fall was greatest west of the Great Belt (ie, on Funen and in Jutland), where  domestic electricity supply fell by 4.8% compared with 2008, whereas in eastern Denmark it fell by 2.4%. Domestic electricity supply is a good indicator of electricity consumption before including net losses.

Electricity supply in Denmark in 2008 and 2009

Unit: GWh Percentage change Gross production 36,411 36,204 -0.6 Own consumption of electricity   1,675 1,754 4.7 Net production 34,736 34,451 -0.8 Imports   12,815 11, 208 -12.5 Exports 11,361 10,875 -4.3 Net exports -1,454 -333 - Domestic electricity supply 36,19 34, 784 -3.9
More detailed information:
The Danish Energy Agency publishes monthly information about electricity supply on its website. The source of these statistics is Energinet.dk, which provides information about electricity supply in eastern and western Denmark. The monthly electricity supply statistics contain the following information:

  • Electricity production by place of production
  • Imports and exports of electricity by country
  • Domestic electricity supply (electricity consumption and net losses)

The associated webpage contains information for the period January to December 2009, for western and eastern Denmark and for the country as a whole.

Monthly Statistics

Ali A. Zarnaghi
Center for Klima og Energiøkonomi
Tlf.: 33 92 68 40

Ture Falbe-Hansen
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