Vietnam: Denmark helps Vietnam improve energy performance in buildings
The LCTU has supported the Vietnamese Ministry of Construction in the process of defining a set of energy performance standards for buildings – and we will now support the implementation process quite extensively
Danish support will include training and training materials for practitioners (architects, engineers and construction companies) as well as design advice for a number of demonstration buildings.
A competitive tender procedure for the main part of this work has just been completed. 14 tenderers from 7 countries applied for pre-qualification and four of them were considered in the final evaluation. A Danish-Vietnamese consortium won the tender in a neck-to-neck competition with 3 other consortiums led, respectively, by a German, a Canadian and another Danish consulting firm.
The winning consortium will begin work on the project in early January 2014.
Read more about the Energy Sector program in Vietnam here
Jesper Ditlefsen
Center for Erhverv og Energieffektivitet
Tlf.: 33 95 58 15