Focus on Energy Efficiency in Industries in New Toolkit
Industries account for a fourth of global energy consumption and hold a great potential for cost-effective energy efficiency measures. A new energy policy toolkit presents Danish successful experiences in disseminating energy efficiency measures in industries.
Energy efficiency has positive effects on human health, the environment, job creation, economic growth and also on the company’s bottom line and its competitiveness. Despite of these benefits energy efficiency is not a strategic focus area in most industries. Therefore there is a need for governmental actions to initiate energy saving instruments. These instruments should be developed in collaboration with various stakeholders. Formulating voluntary agreement schemes requires close dialogue with industrial experts to understand new agendas, challenges and methods for integrating energy efficiency measures.
Increased energy efficiency in the industrial sector is not about quick fixes. It is therefore important with a long-term perspective and a systematic working effort. A combination of measures with a carrot and stick approach should be applied to stimulate energy efficiency in industries.
Analyses of energy efficiency in production processes and utility systems can be both time-consuming and complex. These analyses must therefore be carefully planned and certified energy management schemes, such as ISO50001, can serve as foundation to systemize energy efficiency activities.
Surveys and platforms for sharing data are essential to get information about energy savings potentials and can further be used to prioritize activities. Concrete advice about solutions and energy savings measures can be both through broad information campaigns or efforts specifically targeted towards specific companies.
Responsible authorities should identify and encourage new methods and technologies regularly. These can be promoted though demonstration projects and the good example should be used to inspire and disseminate knowledge about energy efficiency measures.
This toolkit is a part of our series of Energy Policy Toolkits. Find our previous toolkits here
Energy Policy Toolkit on Energy Efficiency in Industries
Ulla Vestergaard Rasmussen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 75 71
Steffen Nielsen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 66 96