Reporting of verified aviation data
Every year before 31st of March all aircraft operators, who perform flights covered by the EU ETS, have to report their annual CO2-emissions to the Danish Energy Agency and the EU ETS register.
Reports have to be verified by an accredited verifier. Once verified and reported, operators must surrender the equivalent number of allowances by 30th April of that year in the EU-ETS register.
The regulation No 2014/421 in force since 30th April 2014. The temporary(reduced scope) rules imply that in the 4-year period 2013-2016, only CO2-emissions from flights between two aerodromes within the EEA (the European Economic Area) are to be reported.
With reference to regulation No 2017/2392 in force since 29th December 2017 these rules are now valid until end of year 2023, with a linear reduction factor introduced from 1st January 2021.
The Danish Energy Agency shall notify aircraft operators of the change in allocation for the period 2021-2023 before 1st September 2018.
- Notice that small operators with total annual emissions lower than 25 000 tonnes CO2 per year (based on the full geographical scope incl. flights in and out of EU) are allowed to skip verification in the period 2013-16, if emissions are determined using the small emitters tool and populated by Eurocontrol with data from its ETS support facility.
- Following the inclusion of Croatia in the EU ETS from 1st July 2014, domestic flights in Croatia in the period 1st July 2013 to 31st December 2013 must be reported in a separate emission report. There is no surrender obligation for these emissions. Domestic flights in Croatia are a part of the regular annual reporting and surrendering from 1st January 2014 onwards. For further description of reporting flights within Croatia, see the policy from the European Commission.
Annual emissions report
For compiling the annual emission report, a list of IATA codes is available. The list indicates, whether flights to and from a certain airport, are covered by the European Trading Scheme in the period 2013-16. Be sure to indicate the correct aircraft type designators.
The reporting is done manually via Excel and the files must be sent to The Danish Energy Agency to
The reporting shall include:
- Excel version of the annual emissions report of aircraft operators and a scan of the excel report with your signature.
- Excel version of the verification report and a scan of the excel report with verifiers signature.
To report manually via Excel, use the templates 'reporting template for Annual Emissions data' (can be found under 'Link and Documents').
Follow-up on the annual emissions report
Notice: As something new, according to the latest Regulation on Monitoring and Reporting, aircraft operators have to produce an improvement report, if the verifier has either discovered discrepancies or incorrect information in the report on annual emissions, or recommended any improvements to the report.
The improvement report shall explain how the aircraft operator has corrected the inconsistencies that the verifier has noted in the verification report, or how the aircraft operator will implement the recommended improvements. The deadline for submission of the improvement report to the Danish Energy Agency is 30th June of the year in which the verification report is prepared.
If the recommended improvements require changes to the monitoring plan, the aircraft operator has to provide an updated monitoring plan for the Danish Energy Agencys approval.
In addition, aircraft operators are required on its own initiative to check, whether monitoring methodology can be improved.
Joint template for improvement reports for stationary utilities and aircrafts can be found on the Europeans Commissions website, please find link below.
Link and Documents
Documentation on monitoring, reporting and verification of EU ETS emissions