These working papers document the IntERACT model complex.


The views expressed in this Working Paper Series represent work in progress, and do not necessarily represent those of the Danish Energy Agency or policies of the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate. The papers do not themselves represent policy advice in any form.

The papers are internal working papers published in good faith to inform a wide audience. While every effort is made to keep available working papers current, the Danish Energy Agency, its employees or agents make no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information presented herein.

The Working Paper Series include work undertaken by Danish Energy Agency staff as well as work undertaken by external researchers or consultants.

Please do not cite without permission.

No. Title File Lang. Published
01 What is IntERACT - Introduction pdf UK 01/2019
02 What is a CGE model: strengths and limitations pdf DK 09/2013
03 TIMES-DK model description (journal article) htm UK 01/2019

IntERACT modelling approach (journal article)

GAMS-code illustrating the IntERACT modelling approach



UK 01/2019
05 Modelling household heating demand and energy efficiency investment behaviour in IntERACT (journal article) htm UK 11/2020
06 Screening of technical bottom-up energy system models for IntERACT pdf DK 08/2013
07 Industry aggregation in IntERACT, spring 2014 pdf UK 01/2014
08 Modelling foreign trade in IntERACT pdf UK 01/2013
09 Using Economic Base-data in Calibration   UK In progress
10 Model Equations version   UK In progress
11 Using Energy Services to link Bottom-up and Top-down, see working paper No. 04      
12 Capital and Capital Formation in IntERACT   UK In progress
13 Energy matric data consolidation   UK In progress
17 Estimation of KELM production nest for IntERACT pdf DK 04/2019
18 Estimation household consumption nest for IntERACT pdf DK 01/2019

Simple CGE-model for interpreting cost benefits calculations

Spread sheet tool



DK 01/2019

There may be missing numbers in published working papers as working papers in progress may have been scraped or renamed.