Tools and Publications
Official documents from Denmark's global cooperation on energy.
Danish Energy Agency’s Global Cooperation provides three types of informative documents in collaboration with relevant experts:
- Fact sheets
The content is short and often contains a factbox or chart/graph. The objective of these short publications is giving the reader brief insight on an area, i.e. a specific project or sector. - Leaflets
Leaflets are more comprehensive than the fact sheets and are based on general areas. There are leaflets on every one of the country cooperations, as well as an introduction to the Danish Energy Model etc. - PublicationsThe publications from Global Cooperation are detailed products of communication around a specific area, i.e. offshore wind turbines.
Sector Information
EEiErhverv.Energy Management. Viking Malt
EEiErhverv.Evaporation, Drying and Distillation.Arla Foods
EEiErhverv.Evaporation, Drying and Distillation.Glycom
EEiErhverv.Evaporation, Drying and Distillation.Solae
EEiErhverv.Ventilation. Fertin pharma
EEiErhverv.Ventilation. Fibervisions
EEiErhverv.Ventilation. Novo Nordisk
ENS Industry - Cooling, vacuum and compressed air systems - Focus leaflet
ENS Industry - Energy management and employee involvment - Focus leaflet
ENS Industry - Evaporation, drying and distillation - Focus leaflet
ENS Industry - Kilns and melting - Focus leaflet
ENS Industry - LEAN and productivity - Focus leaflet
ENS Industry - Ventilation and extraction systems - Focus leaflet
Publication: Energy Efficiency in Competitive Industry - unlocking the potential of the “first fuel”
Publication: Energy Policy Toolkit for Energy Efficiency in Appliances, Lighting and Equipment*
Publication: Energy Policy Toolkit for Energy Efficiency in New Buildings*
Publication: Energy Policy Toolkit for Energy Efficiency in Industries
Publication: Green Urban Denmark
Publication: Smart Buildings - Combining energy efficiency, flexibility and comfort
* Disclaimer: Please note that these publications are prepared by a previous government and therefore do not necessarily reflect the opinion and priorities of the present government.
Publication: Capacity Adequacy Calculations using the Sisyfos Model
Publication: Power markets and power sector planning in Europe - Lessons from China
Publication: RE Friendly Grid Planning - Danish and European experiences
Publication: Security of Electricity Supply in Denmark
Publication: Smart Grid Strategy - The intelligent energy system of the future*
*Disclaimer: Please note that these publications are prepared by a previous government and therefore do not necessarily reflect the opinion and priorities of the present government.
Publication: Liberalisation of the Danish power sector 1995-2020
Fact sheet: Scenario Studies - Danish expertise supports China’s renewable energy expansion
Fact sheet: The socioeconomic costs related to air pollution in China
(also in Danish)
Publication: Energy and Climate Policies Beyond 2020 in Europe
Publication: National Greenhouse Gas Emissions Baseline Scenarios
Publication: Offshore Wind Development (2022)
Publication: Job creation in a new industry - Learnings from Denmark's offshore wind journey
Publication: The Danish Offshore Wind Tender Mode (2020)
Publication: The Danish Energy Agency as a one-stop-shop authority (2020)
Fact sheet: Performance of Offshore Wind Farms
Fact sheet: Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms
Factsheet: Offshore Wind and Fisheries in Denmark
Factsheet: De-Risking Offshore Wind Power in Denmark
Factsheet: Offshore Wind in Denmark setting new global price record
Leaflet: Quality Wind - Improving Performance of Wind Turbines
Publication: Offshore Wind Development
Publication: Energy Policy Toolkit on Physical Planning of Wind Power*
Publication: Energy Policy Tookit on System Integration of Wind Power*
*Disclaimer: Please note that these publications are prepared by a previous government and therefore do not necessarily reflect the opinion and priorities of the present government.
Publication: Model Analysis of Flexibility of the Danish Power System
Publication: Thermal Power Plant Flexibility 2018
Publication: Integration of Wind Energy in Power Systems - A summary of Danish experiences
Publication: Nordic Power Market Design and Thermal Power Plant Flexibility
Publication: Electricity Market Design
Factsheet: The Danish Perspective on Forecasting and Integration of Renewables in Power Systems
Country Cooperation
Memorandums of Understanding
- Memorandum of Understanding with NEA
- Implementing Agreement, Quality Offshore
- Memorandum of Understanding with CNREC
- Memorandum of Understanding with NDRC
- Memorandum of Understanding with MoHURD
- Memorandum of Understanding with MoST
- Memorandum of Understanding with NECC
- Memorandum of Understanding with MoST (EUDP)
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Final Project Document
- Final Project Document Supportive Annexes
- Summary Document
South Africa