Technology Data for Individual Heating Plants
This technology catalogue contains data for a number of individual heating technologies and was first released in August 2016. There are described heating technologies that can be used in single-family houses and for block heating. The latest update took place in March, where chapters on fuel cell-based micro cogeneration have been included.
The first catalogue of individual heating technologies was published in 2012 and also included chapters on district heating and power grids. Technology descriptions and data sheets on district heating, electricity and gas networks are available today in the Technology Catalogue for distribution and transmission of electricity, gas and district heating
The catalogues are available through the following links:
Technology catalogue for Individual Heating - Latest update April 2024
Updated data sheets in excel for each technology are to be found below:
Data Sheets for Individual Heating Plants - Latest update September 2023
Previous versions of Technology catalogue for Individual Heating
Version 4 - Technology Data Catalogue for Heating Installations
The data in the Excel-file has not been updated.. Version 4 and 5 (current) are the same.