There is currently one combined Technology Data catalogue concerning generation of electricity and district heating.  The catalogue was first published in August 2016, and is updated continuously. Technology descriptions in the previous catalogue from May 2012 have now been included in the catalogue from 2016 although some are not updated since 2015. It is mentioned in the beginning of the specific chapters, when each technology has been updated the last time.

The general process of updating technology descriptions and data sheets are described here:

Memo regarding process and organization of the work with the Danish Technology catalogue

Besides the technology descriptions in the catalogue, notes are composed for Technology Data updates in case they are required to be developed faster than the normal process allows.
The majority of the information in these notes has already been incorporated in the catalogue, but additional information, not included in the catalogue, can be found in the notes.

See the catalogue here:

Technology Data Catalogue for Electricity and district heating production - Updated April 2024

Updated data sheets in Excel for each technology are available below:

Data sheet for Electricity and district heat production - Updated February 2024

The process of updating different technology chapters is sometimes described through supplementary notes that contain additional information about the technology. Some exemplary notes, which document the respective process, are found below (please note that the supplements from the update of data for utility scale PV plants and for offshore wind are outdated, and that there are new underlying data for those technologies in the current Technology Catalogue.)

Note for updating of financial data for coal CHP and DH boilers, May 2017 – external comments incorporated

Note for outdated updating of technical and financial data for large ground mounted solar PV plants July 2017 (in Danish)

Note for updating of data for offshore wind – Annex for chapter 21 Wind turbines, Offshore

Note for updating geothermal district heating, April 2020 – technical background note

Previous versions of Technology Data Catalogue for el and DH

Version 14 - Technology Data Catalogue for el and DH

The data in the Excel-file has not been updated.. Version 14 and 15 (current) are the same.


Special Advisor
Christoph Wolter
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