Technical market dialogue regarding OWF area on the Energy Island in the North Sea

Technical market dialogue regarding OWF area on the Energy Island in the North Sea

The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) invites stakeholders in the Offshore Wind industry with an interest in providing input to the procurement process and technical framework conditions of the Energy Island in the North Sea to participate in a written technical market dialogue for the Energy Island from the perspective of offshore wind developers.

The market dialogue is about the offshore wind farms needs and requirements to the area on the Energy Island, including, but limited to, any demands/needs regarding service of the installations, operation and maintenance of the installations, installation and laydown area needs, etc. 

Information obtained in the technical market dialogue will be used in preparation for the tender document of the establishment and co-ownership of the Energy Island. 

The DEA has in the electronic tendering system made two documents available for potential developers/operators of offshore wind farms. The DEA request such developers/operators to submit written answers to the questions presented by DEA. The technical market dialogue with DEA will be held in writing by submission of answers to DEA’s questions in the electronic tendering system. Written answers are requested to be communicated back by the electronic tendering system to DEA no later than May 07, 2023 at 16:00 CET.

Furthermore an Online information meeting presenting the technical market dialogue will be held on April 21, 2023 from 13:00-14:00 CET.

DEA will present the background of the technical market dialogue and participants will be able to ask clarifying questions about the provided market dialogue questions. 

To participate in the online information meeting April 21, 2023 from 13:00-14:00 CET, or if you have any questions, please request a meeting invite with a Skype link via email

Link to TED/EU supply where the updated material will be available 20 April 2023 at the latest. Go to TED/EU supply by clicking here 

Invitation to Offshore Wind Market Dialogue for the Energy Island in the North Sea

North Sea Energy Island OWF Market Dialogue_Questions related to technical aspects of OWF requirements_April 2023

Presentation: North Sea Energy Island OWF Market Dialogue - 21-04-2023

North Sea Energy Island OWF Market Dialogue_Summary_17-05-2023.pdf

Jeppe Johansen
Chief Advisor (+45) 3392 7823
North Sea Energy Island - Offshore Wind Farm