Denmark’s Global Climate Impact – Global report

Denmark’s Global Climate Impact – Global report

The objective of Global Report is to show Denmark's global impact on the climate for better or worse. Global Report is published every year in April.

Global Report is an official assessment of how Danish consumers, authorities and businesses in various ways affect greenhouse gas emissions and uptake outside Denmark. Climate change is a global challenge, and Global Report contributes with an important look at Denmark's role in global climate action. In April 2021, the Danish government presented the first Global Report, which according to the Climate Act should be published every year in April as part of the annual Climate Status and Outlook.

In the global report, references is made to a number of different background notes. These background notes are only available in Danish on the Danish version of the Danish Energy Agency's website 

Global Report 2024

Global Report 2023  

Global Report 2022

Global Report 2021


Lars Georg Jensen
Chief Advisor (+45) 2538 2872