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The Danish Energy Agency
Our Responsibilities
Expand Our Responsibilities
Expand Bioenergy
Biogas in Denmark
Facts about bioenergy in Denmark
CCS - Carbon capture and storage
Expand CCS - Carbon capture and storage
About CCS
Political agreements and applicable legislation
CCS tenders and other funding for CCS development
Licenses for exploration and storage of CO2, including environmental consultation rounds
Environmental and safety aspects of CCS
Publications, news and analysis on CCS
Climate Negotiations
Expand Climate Negotiations
The international Climate Change Negotiations
EU Emissions Trading System
Expand EU Emissions Trading System
Facts on the EU ETS
The EU ETS for Installations
The EU ETS for Aviation
New Entrants to the EU ETS
Verification and Accreditation
Sanctions in the EU ETS
Expand Electricity
Consultation on amended bidding zone configuration in Denmark
Market Model 3.0
Energy & Climate Politics
Expand Energy & Climate Politics
EU Energy Union – Denmark’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
Danish climate policies
Greenhouse gasses
International energy policy
Green Growth in Denmark
Energy Labels for Buildings
Energy Requirements
Energy Savings
Expand Energy Savings
Energy audits for large enterprises
Geothermal Energy
Expand Geothermal Energy
Facts about Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Plants in Operation
Apply for Geothermal Licence
Global Cooperation
Expand Global Cooperation
Energy Partnerships
Partnership Cases
Tools and Publications
Natural Gas
Offshore Wind Power
Expand Offshore Wind Power
Facts about Offshore Wind Power
Ongoing Offshore Wind Tenders
Offshore Procedures & Permits
Denmark's Energy Islands
Energy Island in the North Sea
Preliminary site investigations for the Energy Islands
Oil & gas
Expand Oil & gas
About oil and gas
Licences for oil and gas
Resources and forecasts
Economy for oil and gas
Environmental requirements for oil and gas
Mini licensing round for the exploration and production of oil and gas
Onshore Wind Power
Expand Onshore Wind Power
Facts about onshore wind power
Promoting onshore wind power
Technical certification and servicing of wind turbines (CAS).
Bornholm Energy Island
Research & Development
Expand Research & Development
Risk Preparedness
Security of Supply
Expand Security of Supply
PCI - Projects of Common Interest
Solar Energy
Expand Solar Energy
Facts about solar energy
Promoting solar energy
Expand Waste
The Danish National Waste Register
Wave & Hydropower
Expand Wave & Hydropower
Facts about wave power and hydropower
Current wave power projects
Our Services
Expand Our Services
Current Tenders
Expand Current Tenders
Technology neutral tenders
Pilot tender of price premium for electricity from solar PV
Oil and Gas Related Data
Expand Oil and Gas Related Data
Drilling Activities
Seismic surveys
Monthly and yearly production
Shape Files for Maps
Projections, Analyses and models
Expand Projections, Analyses and models
Climate Change Mitigation Measures
Denmark's Energy and Climate Outlook
Global Report
Socio-economic assessments
Statistics, data, key figures and energy maps
Expand Statistics, data, key figures and energy maps
Energy statistics: Definitions and methods
Overview of the energy sector
Annual and monthly statistics
Key figures
Energy infomaps
Technology Catalogues
About Us
Expand About Us
About the Danish Energy Agency
Expand Organisation
Centre for Energy Islands
Green Power Production
Iben Møller Søndergård
Kristoffer Böttzauw
Peter Christian Baggesgaard Hansen
Stine Leth Rasmussen
Industry Transition and Cross Sector EU regulation
Ressources and Legal
Risk Preparedness
Stig Uffe Pedersen
Green Energy Supply and Utilities
Subsoil Resources
Global Cooperation
Energy Administration
Renewable Energy
Energy Administration (II)
System Analysis and Innovation
Energy Efficiency
Organisation and Strategy
Privacy Policy
The use of cookies on
Expand Bioenergy
Biogas in Denmark
Facts about bioenergy in Denmark
CCS - Carbon capture and storage
Expand CCS - Carbon capture and storage
About CCS
Political agreements and applicable legislation
CCS tenders and other funding for CCS development
Licenses for exploration and storage of CO2, including environmental consultation rounds
Environmental and safety aspects of CCS
Publications, news and analysis on CCS
Climate Negotiations
Expand Climate Negotiations
The international Climate Change Negotiations
EU Emissions Trading System
Expand EU Emissions Trading System
Facts on the EU ETS
The EU ETS for Installations
The EU ETS for Aviation
New Entrants to the EU ETS
Verification and Accreditation
Sanctions in the EU ETS
Expand Electricity
Consultation on amended bidding zone configuration in Denmark
Market Model 3.0
Energy & Climate Politics
Expand Energy & Climate Politics
EU Energy Union – Denmark’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
Danish climate policies
Greenhouse gasses
International energy policy
Green Growth in Denmark
Energy Labels for Buildings
Energy Requirements
Energy Savings
Expand Energy Savings
Energy audits for large enterprises
Geothermal Energy
Expand Geothermal Energy
Facts about Geothermal Energy
Geothermal Plants in Operation
Apply for Geothermal Licence
Global Cooperation
Expand Global Cooperation
Energy Partnerships
Partnership Cases
Tools and Publications
Natural Gas
Offshore Wind Power
Expand Offshore Wind Power
Facts about Offshore Wind Power
Ongoing Offshore Wind Tenders
Offshore Procedures & Permits
Denmark's Energy Islands
Energy Island in the North Sea
Preliminary site investigations for the Energy Islands
Oil & gas
Expand Oil & gas
About oil and gas
Licences for oil and gas
Resources and forecasts
Economy for oil and gas
Environmental requirements for oil and gas
Mini licensing round for the exploration and production of oil and gas
Onshore Wind Power
Expand Onshore Wind Power
Facts about onshore wind power
Promoting onshore wind power
Technical certification and servicing of wind turbines (CAS).
Bornholm Energy Island
Research & Development
Expand Research & Development
Risk Preparedness
Security of Supply
Expand Security of Supply
PCI - Projects of Common Interest
Solar Energy
Expand Solar Energy
Facts about solar energy
Promoting solar energy
Expand Waste
The Danish National Waste Register
Wave & Hydropower
Expand Wave & Hydropower
Facts about wave power and hydropower
Current wave power projects
Current Tenders
Expand Current Tenders
Technology neutral tenders
Pilot tender of price premium for electricity from solar PV
Oil and Gas Related Data
Expand Oil and Gas Related Data
Drilling Activities
Seismic surveys
Monthly and yearly production
Shape Files for Maps
Projections, Analyses and models
Expand Projections, Analyses and models
Climate Change Mitigation Measures
Denmark's Energy and Climate Outlook
Global Report
Socio-economic assessments
Statistics, data, key figures and energy maps
Expand Statistics, data, key figures and energy maps
Energy statistics: Definitions and methods
Overview of the energy sector
Annual and monthly statistics
Key figures
Energy infomaps
Technology Catalogues
About the Danish Energy Agency
Expand Organisation
Centre for Energy Islands
Green Power Production
Iben Møller Søndergård
Kristoffer Böttzauw
Peter Christian Baggesgaard Hansen
Stine Leth Rasmussen
Industry Transition and Cross Sector EU regulation
Ressources and Legal
Risk Preparedness
Stig Uffe Pedersen
Green Energy Supply and Utilities
Subsoil Resources
Global Cooperation
Energy Administration
Renewable Energy
Energy Administration (II)
System Analysis and Innovation
Energy Efficiency
Organisation and Strategy
Privacy Policy
The use of cookies on
Climate Negotiations in the UN
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Our Responsibilities
Climate Negotiations in the UN
Climate Negotiations in the UN
The international Climate Change Negotiations
The Paris Agreement.