Verification and Accreditation

The verifier issues a verification report to verify, that all legislation has been adhered to and to recommend improvements if possible. 

Verifiers must according to the EU ETS legislation be accredited by an accreditation body in an EU member state. Accredited verifiers are listed on the website of the national accreditation body.

The accreditation body in Denmark is DANAK – but operators can freely choose a verifier accredited for the ETS activity by another member state’s accreditation body.  The national accreditation bodies websites can be found by link to the organization EA (European Accreditation, Europe cooperation for Accreditation), see link below in this page.

Site visits

At one or more appropriate times during the verification process, the verifier shall conduct a site visit. In general the verifier must visit the operator’s installation or aircraft operator's facilities in order to assess the operation of measuring devices and monitoring systems, to carry out interviews and to carry out activities that are required by the EU ETS in order to determine if the operator's report is free of material misstatements. The operator or aircraft operator shall provide the verifier access to its sites.

Simplified verification 

The verifier may, under certain conditions, decide not to carry out site visits for verification of emissions reports. 

Only for installations: 

To waive the site visit the operator must seek the permission of The Danish Energy Agency. The exception to this rule is for installations with small emissions (up to 25,000 tons of CO2 annually) (article 31 in the AV-regulation). To waive site visit, send a request to

Only for aircraft operators:  

The verifier may decide not to make a site visit to a small aircraft operator if he has remote access to all relevant data (article 32 in the AV-regulation). A small operator operates less than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods or emits less than 25,000 tonnes.

In such case the small emitters shall estimate the fuel consumption using tools implemented by Eurocontrol or another relevant organisation, which can process all relevant air traffic information corresponding to that available to Eurocontrol and avoid any underestimations of emissions.

Note: According to the new EU regulation for the period 2013-16, aircraft operators emitting less than 25,000 tonnes of CO2 per year can verify their emissions using data from the ETS support facility in Eurocontrol (small emitter tool).

Verification Report

The verification report shall be issued by the verifier in the member state where accreditation is issued. For installations an online template in Danish can be used. The online template follows the EU template. For aviation operators the template of the verification report prepared by the European Commission is to be used

Documents and links

EU regulation on verification an accreditation

At the EU Commission website a series of guidance documents for verification are available

Template for verificator’s report  

The Danish accreditation body DANAK

EA – European Accreditation 



CO2 Kvoteservice