Seminar on financing of energy efficiency

12. January 2015

The Danish Energy Agency and their Chinese colleagues from the National Energy Conservation Centre co-hosted a seminar on financing of energy efficiency on 17 December 2014 in Beijing.

The seminar on financing of energy efficiency is the second event in the bilateral cooperation between the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the National Energy Conservation Centre (NECC).

Mr. Jia Fusheng, Director General of NECC and Mr. Morten Bæk, Director General of DEA held the opening speeches.

The seminar focused on access to financing for projects involving measures for energy efficiency in industries. The seminar was divided into two sessions. The first session included presentations on the current status of energy efficiency and financing options in China and it also included a presentation of the Danish initiative on Insurance for Energy Savings. The second session was organised as two panel discussions and included experts from Chinese banks, DEA, the Danish Investment Fund for Developing Countries (IFU), the Danish Export Credit Fund (EKF) and Danfoss.

Around 100 participants from Chinese authorities and companies and Danish companies and stakeholders participated in the seminar. The Chinese participants included the Export-Import Bank of China, ESCO companies and the ESCO Committee of China Energy Conservation Association (EMCA). From the Danish side Grundfos, Nordea and Invest in Denmark also participated in the seminar. 

Bilateral meeting between the DG from NECC and the DG from DEA

The Director Generals of DEA and NECC had a bilateral meeting prior to the seminar where the work plan and the cooperation were discussed. The topics of the work plan for 2015 is energy management, energy efficiency in district heating, insurance for energy savings, utilisation of excess heat from industries in district heating and a potential joint project with the International Energy Agency (IEA).

The next steps in the DEA/NECC cooperation are a study tour to Denmark with focus on energy management and a seminar on energy efficiency in district heating.

Energy Savings Insurance (Chinese/English)
Energy Efficiency in China (Chinese/English)

Anton Beck
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 29 62 39 96

Anders Brix Thomsen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 66 89


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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