Preliminary investigations for North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and Hesselø offshore wind farms

Preliminary investigations for North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and Hesselø offshore wind farms

Read about the results of the preliminary investigations for North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and Hesselø Offshore Wind Farms (OWF).

In relation to the tendering of North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and Hesselø OWFs, a range of preliminary investigations and environmental assessments are being carried out.

Results regarding the Danish Energy Islands

The results from the completed investigations (data and reports) can be accessed directly here on this website (reports) and through access to a data platform, which is maintained by Energinet (Danish TSO). All results from the preliminary investigations are targeted potential bidders.

Access to the data platform

  • The data platform for North Sea I, Kriegers Flak II, Kattegat and the new Hesselø site is available at Energinets Azure Data Solution.
    Please follow the guideline provided in the link for access to the data material.
  • Preliminary investigations conducted by Energinet for Thor Offshore Wind Farm and the former Hesselø site is also available at the site.
Preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for North Sea I OWFs

The list is continuously updated with an indication of when each report and dataset is expected to be published. The Danish Energy Agency will upload the reports on this webpage as soon as possible when they are finalised. 

Explanatory notes for preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Nordsøen I

ID Delivery Date
4000 North Sea I – Offshore wind farm(s)  
4100 Metocean   
4101 Measurement Plan (Updated January 2024) Published
4102 Measurements (data)  Final 2024-09-30 (monthly updated) 
4103 Measurement Reports 2024-10-31
4104 Site Metocean Conditions Assessment Report 2024-10-31
4105 Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-10-31
4106 Statement of feasibility from Certification Body 2024-12-31
4108 Reverification note for Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-12-16
4200 Environmental assessments and permits  
4201 Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøvurdering af plan for North Sea I (Scoping of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for North Sea I, in Danish) Published
4202 Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project for North Sea I, A3 to POC Idomlund  
(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af koncessionsvinderens landanlæg til Nordsøen I, A3 frem til POC Idomlund)
July 2024
4203 Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project for North Sea I, A2 to POC Endrup 
(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af koncessionsvinderens landanlæg til Nordsøen I, A2 frem til POC Endrup) 
July 2024
4204 Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project for North Sea I, A1 to POC Endrup 
(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af koncessionsvinderens landanlæg til Nordsøen I, A1 frem til POC Endrup) 
July 2024
4205 Environmental Statement/SEA report for North Sea I plan made public  
(Offentliggørelse af miljørapport for plan for Nordsøen I) (see link for full report)
4206 SEA summary statement 
(Sammenfattende redegørelse for miljøvurdering af plan (SMV))
Q3 2024
4207 EIA report for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project submitted and made public, North Sea I, A3 to POC Idomlund Q3 2025
4208 EIA report for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project submitted and made public, North Sea I, A2 to POC Endrup Q3 2025
4209 EIA report for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project submitted and made public, North Sea I, A1 to POC Endrup Q3 2025
4210 EIA permit for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project obtained for North Sea I, A3 to POC Idomlund
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt for koncessionsvinders landanlæg tilknyttet Nordsøen I, A3, der kobles til POC Idomlund) 
Januar 2026
4211 EIA permit for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project obtained for North Sea I, A2 to POC Endrup
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt for koncessionsvinders landanlæg tilknyttet Nordsøen I, A2, der kobles til POC Endrup)
Januar 2026
4212 EIA permit for the concessionaire’s [1 GW] land-based project obtained for North Sea I, A1 to POC Endrup 
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt for koncessionsvinders landanlæg tilknyttet Nordsøen I, A1, der kobles til POC Endrup)
Januar 2026
4213 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near shore, North Sea I, A3 POC Idomlund (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders kystnære station) November 2025
4214 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near the grid connection point, North Sea I, A3 POC Idomlund (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders station nær POC) November 2025
4215 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near shore, North Sea I, A2 POC Endrup (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders kystnære station) November 2025
4216 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near the grid connection point, North Sea I, A2 POC Endrup (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders station nær POC) November 2025
4217 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near shore, North Sea I, A1 POC Endrup (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders kystnære station) November 2025
4218 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near the grid connection point, North Sea I, A1 POC Endrup (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders station nær POC) November 2025
  Technical reports and reports on environment  
4219 Benthic fauna and flora  2024-11-15
4220 Marine mammals (Year 1) 2024-11-15
4221 Marine mammals (Final) 2025-10-15
4222 Birds (Year 1) 2024-11-15
4223 Birds (Final) 2025-10-15
4224 Bats (Year 1) 2024-11-15
4225 Fish and fish populations 2024-11-15
4226 Fisheries 2024-11-15
4227 Underwater noise and vibrations Published
4228 Radar and radio interference Published
4229 Marine traffic and safety of navigation (HAZID) 2024-11-15
4230 Bats (final) 2025-10-15
4231 Initial results of bat survey   Published
4300 Seabed investigations  
4301 Geology and sea-level, desk study Published 
4302 Marine archaeology: Archaeological analysis, desk study  Published 








Geophysical site survey, report

     Report no 1, 2D UHRS survey, Baseline (10 km grid), Full site

    Report no 2, 2D UHRS survey, 3D Geomodel integrated with CPT data, Full site

    Report no 3, 2D UHRS survey, 3D Geomodel integrated with CPT data and BH data, Area 1

    Report no 4, 2D UHRS survey, 3D Geomodel integrated with CPT and BH data, Full site

   Report no 5, Geophysical site survey, MBES, SSS, SBP, MAG, Area 1

    Report no 6, Geophysical site survey, MBES, SSS, SBP, MAG, Full site



Published (See Azure)




Published (see Azure)












Preliminary geotechnical investigations, report – Area 1

    Operations Report, Seabed CPT campaign (Normand Mermaid)

    Operations Report, Borehole campaign (Voyager)

    Operations Report, Borehole campaign (Gargano)

    Operations Report, Borehole campaign (Excalibur)

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Deep

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Shallow

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Partial offshore data

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Complete offshore data

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Partial laboratory data

    Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Complete laboratory data




Published (see Azure)


Published (See Azure)


Published (see Azure)









Preliminary geotechnical investigations, report – Area 2 

Operations Report, Seabed CPT campaign (Normand Mermaid)

Factual Report, Seabed CPT campaign - Deep

Factual Report, Borehole campaign - Complete laboratory data

Operations Report, Borehole campign






4308 UXO threat and risk assessment, report Published

Marine archaeology: Geoarchaeological analysis, report – Area 1

4310 Marine archaeology: Geoarchaeological analysis, report – Area 2 (potential future tender(s)) 2025-08-01
4311 Export cables, cable route survey report 2024-12-01

Burial Assessment Study – Nymindegab North

Cable Burial Risk Assessment – Nymindegab North


Burial Assessment Study – Nymindegab South

Cable Assessment Study – Nymindegab South


Burial Assessment Study – Vedersø Klit

Cable Assessment Study – Vedersø klit

4313 Export cables, Landfall Site investigations 2024-12-01


Preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Kriegers Flak II OWF

The list is continuously updated with an indication of when each report and dataset is expected to be published. The Danish Energy Agency will upload the reports on this webpage as soon as possible when they are finalised. 

Explanatory notes for the preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Kriegers Flak II OWF

ID Delivery  Date 
3000 Kriegers Flak II  Offshore wind farm  
3100 MetOcean  
3101 Measurement Plan (Updated January 2024) Published
3102 Measurements (data) Final 2024-09-30 (monthly updated) 
3103 Measurement Reports 2024-10-31
3104 Site MetOcean Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
3105 Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
3106 Site Ice Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
3107 Statement of feasibility from Certification Body 2024-11-30*
3108 Reverification note for Site MetOcean Conditions Assessment Report 2025-02-28*
3109 Reverification note for Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-11-30*
3200 Environmental assessments and permits  
3201 Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøvurdering af plan for Kattegat (II) og Kriegers Flak II (Scoping of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for Kattegat (II) and Kriegers Flak II, in Danish) Published
3202 Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project for Kriegers Flak II
(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af koncessionsvinderens landanlæg til Kriegers Flak II)
To be clarified
3203 Environmental report (SEA) for the plan of Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II made public (Offentliggørelse af miljørapport for plan for Kattegat II og Kriegers Flak II) (see link for full report) Published
3204 SEA summary statement 
(Sammenfattende redegørelse for miljøvurdering af planen (SMV))
Q2 2024
3205 EIA report for the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project submitted and made public Q3 2025
3206 EIA permit for the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project obtained  
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt)
November 2025
3207 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near shore (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders kystnære station) November 2025
3208 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for concessionaire’s substation near the grid connection point (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders station nær POC) April 2026
  Technical reports and reports on environment  
3209 Benthic fauna and flora 2024-11-25
3210 Marine mammals (Year 1) 2024-11-15
3211 Marine mammals (Final) 2025-10-15
3212 Birds (Year 1) 2024-11-15
3213 Birds (Final) 2025-10-01
3214 Bats (Year 1) 2024-11-15
3215 Fish and fish populations 2024-11-15
3216 Fisheries 2024-11-15
3217 Underwater noise and vibrations 2024-11-15
3218 Radar and radio interference Published
3219 Marine traffic and safety of navigation (HAZID) 2024-11-15
3220 Bats (final) 2025-09-01
3300 Seabed investigations   
3301 Geology and sea-level, desk study Published
3302 Marine archaeology: Archaeological analysis, desk study  Published
3303 Geophysical site survey, report Published
3304 Preliminary geotechnical investigations, report Published (see Azure)
Updated July 2024
3305 Integrated 3D geological model 2024-10-01
3306 UXO threat and risk assessment, report Published
3307 Marine archaeology: Geoarchaeological analysis, report 2025-01-15
3308 Export cables, cable route survey report 2024-11-01

Burial Assessment Study

Cable Burial Risk Assessment


Published (See Azure)

3310 Export cables, Landfall Site investigations 2024-09-01
Preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Kattegat OWF

The list is continuously updated with an indication of when each report and dataset is expected to be published. The Danish Energy Agency will upload the reports on this webpage as soon as possible when they are finalised. 

Explanatory notes for the preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Kattegat OWF

ID Delivery Date
1000 Kattegat  – Offshore wind farm  
1101 Measurement Plan (Updated January 2024) Published
1102 Measurements (data) Final 2024-09-30 (monthly updated) 
1103 Measurement Reports 2024-09-30
1104 Site MetOcean Conditions Assessment Report 2024-10-31
1105 Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-10-31
1106 Site Ice Conditions Assessment Report 2024-10-31
1107 Statement of feasibility from Certification Body 2024-12-31*
1108 Reverification note for Site MetOcean Conditions Assessment Report 2025-02-28*
1109 Reverification note for Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-11-30
1200 Environmental assessments and permits  
1201 Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøvurdering af plan for Kattegat (II) og Kriegers Flak II (Scoping of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for Kattegat (II) and Kriegers Flak II, in Danish) Published
Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project for Kattegat
(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af koncessionsvinderens landanlæg til Kattegat)   
September 2024
1203 Environmental report (SEA) for the plan of Kattegat and Kriegers Flak II made public (Offentliggørelse af miljørapport for plan for Kattegat og Kriegers Flak II) (see link for full report) Published
1204 SEA summary statement 
(Sammenfattende redegørelse for miljøvurdering af planen (SMV))
Q3 2024
1205 EIA report for the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project submitted and made public Q3 2025
1206 EIA permit for the concessionaire’s 1 GW land-based project obtained  
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt)
November 2025
1207 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for the concessionaire’s substation near shore (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders kystnære station) November 2025
1208 Amendment to municipality plan and district plan for concessionaire’s substation near the grid connection point (Kommuneplantillæg og lokalplaner meddelt for koncessionsvinders station nær POC) November 2025
  Technical reports and reports on environment  
1209 Benthic fauna and flora 2024-11-25
1210 Marine mammals (Year 1) 2024-11-15
1211 Marine mammals (Final) 2025-10-15
1212 Birds (Year 1) 2024-11-15
1213 Birds (Final) 2025-10-01
1214 Bats (Year 1) 2024-11-15
1215 Fish and fish populations 2024-11-15
1216 Fisheries 2024-11-15
1217 Underwater noise and vibrations 2024-11-15
1218 Radar and radio interference Published
1219 Marine traffic and safety of navigation (HAZID) 2024-11-15
1220 Bats (final) 2025-09-01
1300 Seabed investigations   
1301 Geology and sea-level, desk study Published
1302 Marine archaeology: Archaeological analysis, desk study Published
1303 Geophysical site survey, report Published
1304 Preliminary geotechnical investigations, report Published (see Azure)
Updated July 2024
1305 Integrated 3D geological model 2024-10-01
1306 UXO threat and risk assessment, report Published
1307 Marine archaeology: Geoarchaeological analysis, report 2025-01-15
1308 Export cables, cable route survey report 2024-11-01

Burial Assessment Study

Cable Burial Risk Assessment

1310 Export cables, Landfall Site investigations 2024-09-01

* Dates are tentative and will be updated when confirmed.

Preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Hesselø OWF – New site

The list is continuously updated with an indication of when each report and dataset is expected to be published. The Danish Energy Agency will upload the reports on this webpage as soon as possible when they are finalised. 

Explanatory notes for the preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for Hesselø OWF (new site)

ID Delivery Date
2000 Hesselø Offshore Wind Farm (new)  
2100 Metocean  
2101 Measurement Plan (Updated January 2024) Published
2102 Measurements (data) Final 2024-09-30 (monthly updated) 
2103 Measurement Reports 2024-09-30
2104 Site Metocean Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
2105 Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
2106 Site Ice Conditions Assessment Report 2024-09-30
2107 Statement of feasibility from Certification Body 2024-11-30*
2108 Reverification note for Site Metocean Conditions Assessment Report 2025-02-28*
2109 Reverification note for Site Wind Conditions Assessment Report 2024-11-30
2200 Environmental assessments and permits   
2201 Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøvurdering af plan for Hesselø (Scoping of Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for Hesselø OWF, in Danish) Published
2202 Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøkonsekvensvurdering (VVM) af landanlægget til Hesselø (Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the land-based project for Hesselø OWF, in Danish) Published
2203 Environmental Statement/SEA report for Hesselø plan made public  
(Offentliggørelse af miljørapport for plan for Hesselø)
2204 SEA summary statement 
(Sammenfattende redegørelse for miljøvurdering (SMV) af plan)
2205 EIA report for the land-based project submitted and made public Published
2206 EIA permit for land-based project obtained  
(VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt)
Medio 2024*
2207 Planning documents for Hesselø onshore elements 
Plangrundlag (landsplandirektiv)
Medio 2024*
  Technical reports and reports on environment  
2208 Benthic fauna and flora 2024-11-25
2209 Marine mammals (Year 1) 2024-11-15
2210 Marine mammals (Final) 2025-10-15
2211 Birds (Year 1) 2024-11-15
2212 Birds (Final) 2025-10-01
2213 Bats (Year 1) 2024-11-15
2214 Fish and fish populations 2024-11-15
2215 Fisheries 2024-11-15
2216 Underwater noise and vibrations 2024-11-15
2217 Radar and radio interference Published
2218 Marine traffic and safety of navigation (HAZID) 2024-11-15
2219 Bats (Final) 2025-09-01
2300 Seabed investigations  
2301 Geology and sea-level, desk study Published
2302 Marine archaeology: Archaeological analysis, desk study Published
2303 Geophysical site survey, report


2304 Preliminary geotechnical investigations, report Published (see Azure)
Updated July 2024
2305 Integrated 3D geological model 2024-09-01
2306 UXO threat and risk assessment, report Published
2307  Marine archaeology: Geoarchaeological analysis, report 2024-10-01
2308 Export cables, cable route survey report Published
2309 Export cables, Cable Burial Assessment Published 
2310 Export cables, Landfall Site investigations Published 
Preliminary investigations and environmental assessments for the former location of Hesselø OWF

The list below shows the results of the preliminary investigations and environmental assessments carried out for the former location of Hesselø OWF. The list will not be further updated as it has been politically decided to move Hesselø OWF to a new location.  

Data and results from preliminary investigations














Lidar Final Report


Note 7


Site Wind Conditions Assessment


Note 8


Reports on Ocean data  (Hindcast)

Metocean Conditions Assessment
Hesselø - Ice Assessment
Certification Report - Metocean and Ice Conditions
Statement of Feasibility



Note 9






Environmental assessments and permits




Scoping of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for Hesselø OWF

(Afgrænsningsudtalelse for strategisk miljøvurdering (SMV) af Hesselø Havvindmøllepark)


Note 10


Scoping of environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the land-based project for Hesselø OWF (Afgrænsningsudtalelse for miljøvurdering (VVM) af landanlægget til Hesselø Havvindmøllepark)


Note 11


Planning consent for extension of Hovegård substation and new Pårup substation approved and made public

(Landsplandirektiv for udvidelse af Hovegård højspændingsstation og ny kompenseringsstation ved Pårup vedtaget og publiceret)

See new site

Note 12


Environmental Statement/SEA report for plan Hesselø OWF made public

(Offentliggørelse af miljørapport (SMV) for planen for Hesselø Havvindmøllepark)

See new site

Note 13


EIA report for the land-based project submitted and made public

(Miljøkonsekvensrapport for landanlæg til Hesselø Havvindmøllepark i høring)

See new site

Note 14


EIA permit for land-based project obtained (VVM-tilladelse til landanlæg meddelt)

See new site

Note 15


SEA summary statement

(Sammenfattende redegørelse for strategisk miljøvurdering (SMV))

See new site

Note 23






Technical reports and reports on environment





Ornithological assessment in relation to plans for offshore wind farm development in the Hesselø area, Kattegat



Note 1


Marine mammals - technical report


Note 16


Benthic flora and fauna: Hard bottom - Technical report
Benthic flora and fauna: Soft bottom - Technical report
Benthic Soft bottom - Appendix 2 (Sediment sample analysis)


Note 17


Visualiseringsrapport – Hesselø Havvindmøllepark – eksempelvisualiseringer
Synlighedsanalyse - Teknisk rapport


Note 18


Navigational risk assessment of Hesselø offshore wind farm - Risk Assessment Report


Note 19


Radar and radio interference - Technical report


Note 20


Fish – technical report
Fisheries – technical report


Note 21


Underwater noise – technical report


Note 22






Seabed investigations




Geophysical survey




Geophysical survey report, wind farm site

3D Seismic Survey Report



Note 1


Export cables routes survey report


Note 1


Hydrographical Report, wind farm site


Note 2


Hydrographical report, export cable routes


Note 3


Marine Archaeology

Geoarkæologisk Analyse – Offshore Wind Farm

Geoarkæologisk Analyse OWF

Geoarkæologisk Analyse OWF - Bilag

Geoarkæologisk Analyse – Export Cable Corridor

Geoarkæologisk Analyse ECR


Note 4


UXO risk assessment report

Desk study for potential UXO contamination – Hesselø windfarm site

Desk study for potential UXO contamination – Hesselø export cable route


Note 1


Geotechnical investigations




Geological desk study


Note 1


Final Factual Geotechnical Report


Note 5


3D geological model reports

Integrated Geomodel
Integrated Geomodel - Enclosure 1


Note 6


Desk study: Metocean weather windows


Note 1


Landfall HDD - Geotechnical investigations – Gilbjerg Hoved





Randi Lucie Aliaga
Special Advisor (+45) 3392 7835
Anders Møller Jørgensen
Advisor (+45) 3395 5113
Sofie Bille Bruun
Advisor (+45) 3395 1228