Germany: North Rhine-Westphalia on a two day delegation visit to Denmark with a focus on Danish district heating

18. August 2015

Germany and Denmark are both pursuing an ambitious energy transition. This fosters a strong Danish-German collaboration on energy matters between authorities, companies and researchers. Collaboration is now taking shape between authorities and companies in North Rhine-Westphalia and Denmark.

North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) is Germany's most populous and among the biggest and most industrialized Länder. It is Germany’s leading energy location and the most important energy region in Europe. One third of Germany’s power is produced in NRW.

A delegation of more than 40 participants from North Rhine-Westphalia consisting of energy company representatives, researchers and regulators will visit Denmark 18-19 August to seek inspiration and collaboration with Danish partners. The delegation will visit Albertslund and Hvidebæk district heating projects to see practical examples.

Furthermore a visit to the Metropolitan Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company (CTR) will complete the delegations insight to the supply of heat in the Copenhagen area. The delegation will also visit State of Green and afterwards join a conference hosted by the Danish Energy Industries Federation. This will enable energy practitioners from North Rhine-Westphalia and Denmark to exchange knowledge and engage in collaboration on building the future energy systems we need.  

The delegation visit is organized by the Danish Energy Agency, the Trade Council and EnergieAgentur.NRW in collaboration with the Danish Energy Industries Federation, Danish Board of District Heating, the Danish Energy Association and State of Green.

Frederik Schmidt
Tlf.: 25 37 23 45


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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