China: Seminar on the environmental impacts of wind power, Beijing 22 May 2013

28. May 2013

The focus of the seminar was on the environmental benefits and environmental impacts of wind power development in the Yunnan Province.

A number of large wind power projects in Yunnan province are in the planning phase. There are relatively abundant wind energy resources and good grid access in Yunnan Province. The Yunnan Province on the other hand is diverse and provides reproduction of many species habitats. Particularly the collision risk for birds and habitat loss for birds seem to be of concern.

Special Advisor Steffen Nielsen, the Danish Energy Agency, Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building, gave a presentation on the Danish experience on environmental benefits and impacts of wind farms. The key message was that in general, none of the results from the effect studies undertaken within the comprehensive environmental monitoring programme for off shore wind in Denmark predict adverse effects on endangered species. It is documented that migrating birds are able to find their way around wind farms, without significant collision risk. Also resting and foraging birds seem to be able to habituate. However, planning is important for the future siting of the wind farms.

Participants included; National Energy Board, China Meteorological Administration, China Aviation Industry Planning and Research Institute, Sino-Danish Renewable Energy Development Program, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Global Wind Energy Council, China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited, State Power New Energy Development Co., Ltd., and China Resources Power Corporation.

Steffen Nielsen
Center for Global Rådgivning og Forhandling
Tlf.: 33 92 66 96


Ture Falbe-Hansen
Head of Press (+45) 2513 7846

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